lokan—all the planets Bg 10.16, SB 2.5.36, SB 2.7.17, SB 3.10.7, SB 4.22.2, SB 7.3.4, SB 8.14.7
lokan—planetary systems SB 1.16.32-33, SB 5.20.37, SB 7.4.5-7
lokan—the three worlds SB 3.4.9, SB 3.16.9, SB 4.1.46-47
lokan—the planets Bg 14.14, SB 4.14.15
lokan—all over the universe SB 1.2.34, SB 3.18.22-23
lokan—all planets SB 3.14.39, SB 4.22.9
lokan—the worlds SB 3.17.19, SB 3.18.28
lokan—all the planetary systems SB 4.24.65, SB 6.5.22
lokan—all the three worlds SB 7.3.15-16, SB 8.5.19-20
lokan—possessions Madhya 15.270, Madhya 25.84
lokan—people Bg 11.30
lokan—all people Bg 11.32
lokan—world Bg 18.17
lokan—the different planets SB 2.7.37
lokan—all the people SB 3.5.18
lokan—the total living entities SB 3.8.12
lokan—all the worlds SB 3.9.30
lokan—all the universe SB 3.9.31
lokan—all these worlds SB 3.12.34
lokan—in the world SB 3.14.12
lokan—to the material and spiritual worlds SB 3.15.12
lokan—to the material world SB 3.15.34
lokan—worldly affairs SB 3.21.17
lokan—through the planets SB 3.23.41
lokan—the fourteen worlds SB 4.4.9
lokan—the thieves and rogues SB 4.14.39-40
lokan—all the heavenly planets SB 4.21.46
lokan—all the different planetary systems SB 7.9.38
lokan—to planets SB 7.10.22
lokan—to all the different planets SB 7.13.12-13
lokan—to the destination of the higher planetary system SB 8.16.9
lokan—three planetary systems SB 8.19.33
lokan—all possessions, all objects of enjoyment SB 8.20.8
lokan—all places SB 9.4.51
lokan—to the different planets SB 10.3.27
lokan—elevation to higher planets SB 10.4.46
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: lokan
lokan anu—throughout the universe SB 4.30.11
lokan trin—the three worlds SB 7.10.54-55
nr-lokan—the planets of the conditioned souls SB 3.4.12
tri-lokan—controlling the three worlds SB 8.6.9
tri-lokan—the three worlds. SB 8.8.25