laghu—the duration of time called a laghu SB 3.11.7
laghu—because of being very fine SB 8.12.23
laghu—younger Adi 10.5
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: laghu
laghu, sama, arya—junior, equal or superior Adi 5.144-145
laghu-bhratra haiya—becoming the younger brother Adi 5.149
laghu-bhrata—younger brother Antya 4.227
laghu-bhagavatamrta-adi—another list, containing Laghu-bhagavatamrta Madhya 1.41
laghu-haridasa—Laghu Haridasa. Madhya 18.52
laghu-hastaih—quick-handed SB 6.10.25
laghu-hastavan—with quick handling. SB 8.11.21
laghu-pada-cihna—the marks of the lotus feet, which were very small at that time Adi 14.7
laghu-rupat—situated in a lower position Antya 1.139
laghu-vipra—the young brahmana Madhya 5.48
laghu-asi—eating a small quantity Bg 18.51-53
sei laghu-vipra—the junior brahmana Madhya 5.54