kuta—in multitudes Adi 4.116
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: kuta
anna-kuta—of the Annakuta ceremony Madhya 4.75
anna-kuta—the Annakuta ceremony during the time of Krsna Madhya 4.86
anna-kuta—heaps of food Madhya 4.94
anna-kuta kare—perform the Annakuta ceremony Madhya 4.90
sara-kuta-gudhah—being covered by arrows SB 3.1.38
giri-kuta-vat—appearing like the weight of a mountain peak. SB 10.7.18
kuta-dharmesu—involving the practice of falsehood SB 3.30.9
kuta-dharmesu—of pretentious religiosity SB 4.2.22
kuta-dharmesu—in false occupational duties SB 4.25.6
kuta-karma-ja—because of the illusory, magical activities SB 8.10.55
kuta-stham—situated in everyone’s heart SB 3.24.5
kuta-stham—fixed SB 4.20.11
kuta-stham—within the core of the heart SB 9.10.14
kuta-sthasya—of the one who is over everyone's intelligence SB 2.5.17
kuta-sthasya—of the unchangeable SB 3.7.19
kuta-sthah—with concentration of the mind SB 2.2.34
kuta-sthah—one who is unchanged SB 3.5.50
kuta-sthah—unchangeable SB 3.26.20
kuta-sthah—changeless SB 4.9.15
kuta-sthah—without any change SB 4.16.19
kuta-sthah—without being affected by anything SB 7.3.31
kuta-sthah—fixed in his constitutional position Antya 4.178
kuta-sthaya—without being changed SB 4.24.34
kuta-yoginam—for the pseudo mystics. SB 2.9.20
vajra-kuta-anga—body like a great mountain SB 3.13.29