kupa—digging wells SB 7.15.48-49
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: kupa
andha-kupa—like blind wells SB 10.6.15-17
kupa-labdhaya—whom he got from the well SB 9.19.11
kupa-magnayah—fallen in the well SB 9.18.22
kupa-rase—in the well of nectar (created by the great mystic Maya) SB 7.10.59
kupa-samvigna—the she-goat who had fallen into the well SB 9.19.7
rasa-kupa-amrtam—the nectar contained in that well SB 7.10.62
samsara-kupa—blind well of material life Madhya 13.142
visaya-kupa haite—from the well of material enjoyment Madhya 19.49