ksetram—field of activities Bg 13.4, Bg 13.6-7
ksetram—body Bg 13.1-2
ksetram—field of activities (the body) Bg 13.19
ksetram—kingdom SB 1.13.24
ksetram—the generating center SB 2.6.1
ksetram—place SB 3.33.31
ksetram—the land SB 4.21.11
ksetram—the field of activities SB 6.5.11
ksetram—a field SB 7.11.33-34
ksetram—field SB 8.16.11
ksetram—location SB 9.6.37
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: ksetram
bhagavat-ksetram—the place where the Supreme Lord is worshiped SB 5.8.30
kantaka-sarkara-ksetram—a field covered with thorns and sharp pebbles SB 5.14.18