ksaya—diminished. Adi 10.51
ksaya—to destruction. Adi 14.31
ksaya—lost. Adi 16.59
ksaya—vanquished. Adi 17.96
ksaya—dissipation Antya 3.185
ksaya—loss. Antya 9.47
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: ksaya
bhava-ksaya—annihilation of material existence Madhya 20.142
haila ksaya—is now vanquished Madhya 15.276
haya ksaya—become null and void. Adi 16.69
haya ksaya—there is destruction Madhya 15.178
haya ksaya—there is dissipation. Antya 3.183
haya ksaya—becomes nullified Antya 5.45-46
kailun saba ksaya—have annihilated all Madhya 13.156
kare ksaya—vanquish Antya 16.121-122
ksaya-krt—destroyer Bg 11.32
ksaya-unmukha—on the point of destruction Madhya 22.45
kula-ksaya—in killing the family Bg 1.37-38
kula-ksaya—the destruction of a dynasty Bg 1.37-38
punya ksaya—destruction of piety Adi 5.206
papa-ksaya—destruction of sins Adi 3.64
papa-ksaya—nullifying of sinful activities Adi 17.217
papa-ksaya—destruction of sinful reactions Adi 17.263
papa-ksaya—disappearance of all reactions to sinful activities Antya 3.177
samsara-ksaya—annihilation of bondage to the material world Antya 3.70
samsarera ksaya—annihilation of entanglement in the material world Madhya 15.109
samsarera ksaya—deliverance from material bondage Antya 3.63
saba ksaya gela—the effects of all those offenses have been destroyed. Madhya 25.75
tapa-ksaya—reduction of temperature. Madhya 4.160
yaya ksaya—becomes vanquished. Madhya 22.49