khe—in the ether Bg 7.8
khe—form of space (virat-rupa) SB 3.5.6
khe—in the air SB 3.21.11
khe—in the higher planetary systems in the sky SB 6.12.34
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: khe
khe avasthitah yah—this person Brahma, who was situated in the higher planetary system in the sky SB 10.13.15
khe-caraih—by the demigods who fly in the sky SB 3.24.8
khe-cari—who traveled in outer space SB 10.6.4
khe-caranam—flying in the sky SB 3.19.6
khe-caranam—of those who were flying in the air (the Gandharvas) SB 4.3.5-7
khe-caran—human beings who travel in space. SB 4.8.53
khe-carah—demigods traveling in outer space SB 4.15.19