karye—in work Adi 13.101
karye—in activities Madhya 2.70
karye—in the duties Madhya 8.242
karye—in the service Antya 4.98
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: karye
nija karye—your own business Antya 2.125
nija nija karye—to their respective duties Antya 2.126
nija-karye—to their respective duties Antya 4.145
nija-nija-karye—to their own respective duties Madhya 8.234
nija-nija-karye—in their respective duties Madhya 8.261
pitr-karye—in the sraddha ceremony, in which oblations are offered to the forefathers SB 7.15.3
sura-karye—the activities of the demigods SB 8.6.17
ye-karye—for which business Antya 4.143