karma—work Bg 3.5, Bg 3.8, Bg 3.9, Bg 3.15, Bg 3.19, Bg 4.9, Bg 4.13, Bg 4.15, Bg 4.16, Bg 4.21 (and more...)
karma—fruitive activities Bg 7.29, Bg 8.1, Bg 8.3, SB 2.4.3-4, SB 3.5.31, SB 3.8.14, SB 3.29.10, SB 4.6.47, SB 4.11.22, SB 4.20.30 (and more...)
karma—activity SB 1.8.30, SB 1.17.19, SB 2.1.33, SB 2.7.29, SB 4.19.18, SB 4.19.31, SB 4.22.51, SB 4.29.6, SB 4.29.49, SB 4.29.61 (and more...)
karma—action Bg 4.16, Bg 9.28, SB 1.13.46, SB 1.14.43, SB 2.5.34, SB 2.10.12, SB 3.12.35, SB 4.5.25, SB 4.10.9, SB 4.11.8 (and more...)
karma—duty Bg 18.42, Bg 18.43, Bg 18.44, SB 2.9.23
karma—act SB 1.7.13-14, SB 1.19.1, SB 3.14.33, SB 9.6.28, SB 10.10.1
karma—by fruitive activities SB 3.31.31, SB 4.25.5, SB 4.29.1, SB 5.1.41, SB 7.2.47
karma—fruitive work SB 1.5.12, SB 1.6.28, SB 7.13.19, Adi 4.167-169
karma—prescribed duties Bg 3.14, Bg 3.24, SB 3.29.25
karma—actions Bg 5.11, SB 2.8.14, SB 3.31.31
karma—of activities SB 4.29.29, SB 4.29.54, SB 7.15.47
karma—fruitive activity SB 8.3.22-24, Adi 4.33, Adi 13.64
karma—duties Bg 3.8, Adi 14.25
karma—fruitive action Bg 4.18, SB 10.13.53
karma—in activities SB 1.4.25, SB 3.10.8
karma—the activity SB 4.29.59, SB 5.9.17
karma—and activities SB 7.10.43-44, SB 7.11.13
karma—prescribed duty Bg 4.15
karma—according to work Bg 15.2
karma—acts Bg 18.23
karma—reactionary work SB 1.2.15
karma—one's prescribed activities SB 1.5.32
karma—uncommon deeds SB 1.18.10
karma—the interaction SB 2.5.14
karma—the fate of the living entity SB 2.5.21
karma—reaction of the past SB 2.5.26-29
karma—activity of life SB 3.6.7
karma—pastimes SB 3.7.40
karma—of the activities SB 3.22.1
karma—by actions SB 3.26.37
karma—by work SB 3.32.38
karma—the sacrifice SB 4.7.16
karma—to such activities SB 4.7.34
karma—story SB 4.7.60
karma—the objective SB 4.12.10
karma—fruitive desires SB 4.13.8-9
karma—another activity SB 4.29.34
karma—and work SB 5.1.14
karma—by predestined resultant actions SB 5.11.11
karma—the fruits of activities SB 5.14.1
karma—these activities SB 5.18.5
karma—activities (to support the Daityas). SB 6.7.25
karma—activities of service to You SB 6.11.24
karma—the accomplishment SB 6.12.5
karma—the fruits of action SB 7.2.25-26
karma—activities being dedicated to You SB 7.9.50
karma—transcendental activity SB 8.4.1
karma—whose transcendental activities SB 8.4.13
karma—pastimes, activities SB 8.5.11-12
karma—the act SB 8.7.45
karma—such service to the master SB 8.11.17
karma—karma SB 8.14.8
karma—by wonderful activities, pious activities SB 8.22.26
karma—by activities SB 10.8.41
karma—the activities Adi 2.44
karma—the business Adi 4.8
karma—activity. Adi 5.29
karma—and fruitive activities Madhya 6.154
karma—material activities Madhya 19.168
karma—activities SB 3.6.4
karma—fruitive activities Madhya 22.103
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: karma
karma-bandhah—bondage to fruitive activities SB 3.27.19, SB 5.6.5
karma-nistha—attracted to fruitive activities Madhya 19.147, Madhya 24.214
karma-yogah—work in devotion Bg 5.2, Bg 5.2
sarva-karma—all activities Bg 12.11, Madhya 22.62
avasita-karma-nirvana-avasarah—Maharaja Bharata who ascertained the moment of the end of his royal opulence SB 5.7.8
basta-karma—the business of the goat SB 9.19.7
bhagavat-karma-silah—being absorbed in activities to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 5.20.31
bhartr-karma-nispattim—the accomplishment of their master�s work SB 5.9.14
bhima-karma—one who performs Herculean tasks Bg 1.15
bhala karma—good work Madhya 12.117
subha-karma—pious activities Madhya 23.29
daiva-karma-atma-rupinah—of the gigantic form of transcendental work, time and nature SB 3.6.35
dharma-karma—all prescribed duties Madhya 16.148
dharma-karma—all religious activities and regulative principles Antya 3.184
dravya-guna-karma-asaya—in a combination of material elements, material qualities, and the results of past activities and desires SB 5.10.6
ei karma—this work Antya 7.150
ei amara karma—I have been taught this business (half-killing animals) Madhya 24.253
guna-karma—works under material influence Bg 3.28
guna-karma—with quality and work SB 5.1.15
guna-karma-anu-rupani—according to His attributes and activities SB 10.8.15
guna-karma-anubaddham—bound by the modes of nature and the reactions of material activities SB 5.11.8
guna-karma-nibandhanah—captivation by the three modes of material nature SB 7.7.27
guna-karma-saksine—the witness of the actions and reactions of material nature. SB 5.18.38
guna-karma-yonau—unto the cause of the material modes and activities SB 3.5.50
janma-karma-phala-pradam—resulting in fruitive action, good birth, etc. Bg 2.42-43
jnana-karma—of speculation and fruitive activities Madhya 6.284-285
jata-karma—the festival for the birth of the child SB 10.5.1-2
jata-karma—the auspicious ceremony at the time of birth Adi 13.108
karma suddham—purification of work SB 1.4.19
karma haite—from fruitive activities Madhya 9.263
karma kare—do work Madhya 12.118
karma tyaji—giving up such fruitive activities Madhya 24.214
karma-adhikarah—in material affairs SB 5.1.23
karma-antara—in other household affairs SB 10.9.1-2
karma-anubaddhah—bound by the results of his past deeds SB 5.5.9
karma-anugah—following the reactions of his own fruitive activities SB 10.1.39
karma-anusthanena—the performance of activities SB 5.14.30
karma-anurodhena—with consideration of the activities performed SB 6.1.43
karma-arjitah ca—whatever he achieved by his pious activities SB 8.22.22
karma-arpana—offering the results of activities Madhya 8.59
karma-atisayam—excelling in fruitive activities SB 4.19.2
karma-bandha—the bondage of the reactions of fruitive activities SB 5.9.3
karma-bandhaih—by the bondage of fruitive activities SB 9.11.23
karma-bandham—bondage of reaction Bg 2.39
karma-bandhanaih—from all kinds of actions resulting from fruitive activities. SB 4.24.78
karma-bandhanam—the bondage of fruitive activity SB 5.24.20
karma-bandhanah—bondage by work Bg 3.9
karma-bandhah—the bondage of fruitive activities SB 5.1.1
karma-bandhat—from the bondage of fruitive activities. SB 6.8.16
karma-bandhat—from the bondage of material activities SB 7.10.14
karma-bijam—seed of worldly activities SB 3.8.33
karma-bijanam—of those whose seeds of fruitive activities SB 5.6.1
karma-saktih—the active senses SB 7.9.40
karma-chidram—the discrepancies in the fruitive activities SB 8.23.14
karma-codana—of the rules of fruitive activity SB 5.14.18
karma-srestham—very expert in fruitive activities SB 4.1.38
karma-suklaya—who purifies the fruitive activities of the living entities SB 5.18.35
karma-dosaih—by faulty actions SB 3.27.3
karma-isvarah—the master of all fruitive activities SB 8.23.15
karma-gatayah—in terms of the work performed SB 2.8.13
karma-gatayah—destinations resulting from activity SB 5.26.2
karma-gatim—the reactions of fruitive activities SB 10.1.40
karma-grastah—one who is under the laws of karma SB 8.24.2-3
karma-indriyaih—by the active sense organs Bg 3.7
karma-indriyani—the five working sense organs Bg 3.6
karma-jam—because of fruitive activities Bg 2.51
karma-jam—caused by activities SB 6.2.36-37
karma-jan—born of work Bg 4.32
karma-jah—generated by different work. SB 3.7.31
karma-kalapam—the prescribed occupational duties as a ksatriya king SB 9.4.21
karma-karih—maidservants SB 3.23.27
karma-kausalena—by expertise in ritualistic ceremonies SB 5.20.16
karma-krt—the actor. SB 4.29.23-25
karma-lingam—symptomized by fruitive activities SB 9.8.24
karma-mayam—obtainable by the Vedic ritualistic system SB 5.20.33
karma-mayam—producing hundreds and thousands of desires and acting accordingly SB 7.9.21
karma-mayyam—formed of fruitive activities SB 4.2.24
karma-mayan—resulting in a reaction (such as the killing of animals) SB 7.15.9
karma-mudhan—simply engaged in pious or impious activities SB 5.5.15
karma-nibandha—the obligation to suffer or undergo tribulations as a result of fruitive activities SB 6.2.46
karma-nibandhanah—the bondage of fruitive activities. SB 8.23.10
karma-ninda—condemnation of fruitive activities Madhya 9.263
karma-nistha—the fruitive workers Adi 7.29-30
karma-nisthah—attached to ritualistic ceremonies (according to one�s social status as a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra) SB 7.15.1
karma-nirharam—cessation of the fruitive reactions of material activities SB 6.2.12
karma-nirharah—counteraction of fruitive activities SB 6.1.11
karma-nirmita—caused by their own past fruitive activities SB 5.23.3
karma-niyaman—the regulative principles of fruitive activities SB 5.9.4
karma-namnam—and of His names according to His activities and pastimes SB 6.3.24
karma-padavim—the path of fruitive activities SB 3.31.16
karma-parvanim—which ties the knots of fruitive activity SB 5.17.24
karma-parah—interested in working SB 3.10.26
karma-phala—in the result of the work Bg 2.47
karma-phala—results of activities Bg 5.14
karma-phala—to the fruit of the work Bg 18.27
karma-phala—the result of activities SB 4.12.10
karma-phala-tyagah—renunciation of the results of fruitive action Bg 12.12
karma-phala-asangam—attachment for fruitive results Bg 4.20
karma-phalam—the results of all activities Bg 5.12
karma-phalam—the result of work Bg 6.1
karma-phalam—the reaction of fruitive activities SB 5.26.3
karma-phale—in fruitive action Bg 4.14
karma-pasaih—from the bondage of fruitive activities SB 7.10.46
karma-pakam—the result of his impious activities SB 5.26.22
karma-sangena—association with fruitive activity Bg 14.7
karma-sangisu—in the association of fruitive activities Bg 14.15
karma-sanginam—attached to fruitive work Bg 3.26
karma-sandhanam—who strictly follow the fruitive ritualistic ceremonies according to Vedic injunctions SB 6.5.42
karma-sannyasat—in comparison to the renunciation of fruitive work Bg 5.2
karma-saksinah—witnesses for the sacrifice. SB 4.13.28
karma-sarathayah—whose chariot drivers are the results of their own past activities SB 5.23.3
karma-tantram—the law of action and reaction. SB 3.1.44
karma-tantram—fruitive activities SB 4.2.22
karma-tantrah—in the matter of fruitive activities SB 3.8.12
karma-tattva-jnah—expert in Vedic ritualistic ceremonies SB 9.13.20-21
karma-tyaga—renunciation of fruitive activities Madhya 9.263
karma-uttamam—the very expert service in military art SB 8.10.43
karma-vasam—subjugated by fruitive activities SB 5.5.6
karma-vaisamyam—discrepancy in discharging fruitive activities SB 8.23.15
karma-vallim—the creeper of fruitive activities SB 5.14.41
karma-vetanatah—in exchange for wages from working SB 5.9.11
karma-vicestitam—whose activities. SB 3.29.36
karma-visuddhi—of purification of fruitive activities SB 5.22.3
karma-visuddhya—by offering everything for the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and not desiring any results of his pious activities SB 5.7.7
karma-visuddhah—very pure in their activities SB 5.4.13
karma-vinirmitam—manufactured by fruitive activities SB 4.27.29
karma-vasana—by the desire for fruitive activities SB 5.25.8
karma-vasanam—the strong desire for fruitive activities. SB 9.24.62
karma-vasanah—desire for fruitive work. SB 2.10.4
karma-yoga-jnana—fruitive activities, mystic yoga and speculative knowledge. Madhya 22.17
karma-yogam—devotion Bg 3.7
karma-yogena—by the linking process of devotion Bg 3.3
karma-yogena—by activities without fruitive desire Bg 13.25
karma-asaya—resultant action and desire for material enjoyment SB 10.8.37-39
karma-asayam—the desire for fruitive activities SB 5.5.14
karma-asayan—demoniac desires to be happy by material activities SB 5.18.8
karma-arabdham—the resultant action now attained SB 5.10.14
karma-atmakam—absorbed in material activities SB 5.5.5
kaumara-jam karma—performed during their kaumara age (the age of five years) SB 10.12.37
koti-karma-nistha-madhye—among millions of such performers of fruitive activities according to Vedic principles Madhya 19.147
kuta-karma-ja—because of the illusory, magical activities SB 8.10.55
krsna-arcana-karma—the activities of worshiping Lord Krsna. Madhya 20.336
krtsna-karma-krt—although engaged in all activities. Bg 4.18
kala-karma—time and actions SB 1.15.30
kama-karma-indriya-asayah—being under the influence of lusty desires and fruitive activities SB 9.8.26
mat-karma—My work Bg 12.10
mat-karma-krt—engaged in doing My work Bg 11.55
mleccha-karma—the work of meat-eaters Madhya 1.197
nija-karma—Your activities Madhya 9.126
nija-karma-bandhanah—accepting different bodily forms as a result of his sinful activities SB 8.24.47
nindya-karma—forbidden actions Madhya 8.37
nindya-karma—reproachable activities Antya 13.133
nama-karma—of names and different activities SB 6.3.13
nana-karma—varieties of service SB 3.9.34
priya-karma—activities of the dearmost SB 2.9.14
rajah-tamah-sattva-vibhakta-karma-drk—a conditioned soul who sees only immediately beneficial fruitive activities and their results, which are divided into three groups by the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance SB 5.13.1
randhita-karma-kalmasah—those for whom all pollution of fruitive activities has been stopped SB 8.21.2-3
sa-karma—engaged in work SB 2.10.36
saba karma—all activities Madhya 15.203
sarva-karma—all other activities, material and spiritual Madhya 22.60
sei karma karaya—causes one to act in that way Antya 6.199
stuti-karma-pujah—worshiping Your Lordship by offering prayers and other devotional activities SB 7.9.50
suta-karma—action taken by his son SB 3.1.7
sva-karma—his prescribed duties SB 3.29.32
sva-karma—his own activities SB 9.15.37
sva-karma—of one's own fruitive activities Madhya 15.170
sva-karma karite—performing his duty in life Madhya 22.26
sva-karma-jan—produced from one's own work SB 2.2.7
sva-karma-krt—executing his own work SB 7.11.32
sva-karma-patitam—fallen because of the reactions of one�s own material activities SB 7.9.41
sva-karma-phala-bhuk—sure to accept the resultant action of his fruitive activities Antya 2.163
sva-karma-vasa-gam—under the influence of the results of fruitive activities SB 9.19.3
tat karma—that action (striking the head of Indra�s elephant with the club in his left hand) SB 6.11.10
tat-karma—his activities SB 6.11.13
tat-tat-karma—various activities favorable for devotional service NoI 3
visva-karma—creative person Antya 1.167
virinca-stuta-karma-viryah—the Personality of Godhead, whose activities and prowess are always praised by Lord Brahma SB 8.18.1
vatulera karma—the acts of a madman. Madhya 15.49
yatha-karma—according to one�s past activities SB 5.25.14
yatha-karma-avadyam—according to how much they have violated the rules and regulations of conditional life SB 5.26.6
anusanga-karma—secondary work Adi 4.14
apanara karma-dosa—it is the result of My own fate Antya 19.50
atma-karma—destined engagement SB 3.5.9