kanti—the luster Madhya 3.110, Madhya 13.106
kanti—the splendor Adi 4.92
kanti—and luster Adi 4.99-100
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: kanti
anga-kanti—the bodily rays Madhya 20.159
bhava-kanti—luster of ecstatic love Adi 4.267
bhava-kanti—ecstatic love and luster Madhya 8.279
candra-kanti—a kind of bread made from urad dhal Madhya 14.31
deha-kanti—of the luster of the body Madhya 13.106
deha-kanti—the luster of the body Madhya 18.118
gaura-kanti—a bodily luster like that of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Antya 2.20
krsna-kanti—the complexion of Krsna Antya 15.64
kanti-amrta—the nectar of His bodily luster Antya 19.36
kanti-amrta-dhara—the showers of the nectar of Krsna's bodily luster. Antya 19.42
kanti-sabde—by the word kanti Adi 4.93
kanti-matim—shining SB 3.20.39
sama kanti—the luster like Antya 19.41
sama-kanti—same luster Adi 3.41
sarva-kanti-sabdera—of the word sarva-kanti Adi 4.94
smita-kanti—the sweetness of Her smile Madhya 8.170
sundara-kanti—attractive luster Madhya 12.214
vastra-kanti—the beauty of the garments Madhya 3.110