kamala—tangerines Madhya 14.27, Antya 18.104
kamala—like lotus flowers Madhya 21.129
kamala—the lotus flower Antya 19.94
kamala—unto Kamalakanta Visvasa. Adi 12.44
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: kamala
anghri-kamala—of lotus feet SB 5.25.4
carana-kamala—lotus feet. Madhya 15.156
sri-mukha-kamala—the lotuslike face Madhya 13.168
kamala carana—lotuslike feet Antya 11.33
kamala asanasya—of Lord Brahma, whose sitting place is on the lotus flower SB 5.20.29
kamala-aksa—the lotus-eyed Adi 6.31
kamala-bhuvah—of Lord Brahma, who took his birth from the lotus flower Madhya 24.120
kamala-iksana—whose eyes are exactly like the petals of the lotus flower. SB 4.30.25
kamala-kinjalka—like the saffron in a lotus flower SB 4.30.26
kamala-kosa—of the whorl of a lotus flower SB 5.16.5
kamala-locana—O lotus-eyed one SB 3.14.15
kamala-locana—with lotus eyes Adi 3.44
kamala-locana—eyes like lotus petals. Madhya 8.18
kamala-locana—the lotus-eyed Lord Jagannatha Antya 13.103
kamala-locanah—whose eyes are like lotus petals SB 9.16.25
kamala-locanah—with eyes like lotus petals SB 9.18.8
kamala-maline—who is always decorated with a garland of lotus flowers SB 4.30.25
kamala-nayana—of the name Kamala-nayana Adi 10.111
kamala-nayana—lotus-eyed Madhya 5.137
kamala-nayana—the lotus eyes. Madhya 8.270
kamala-nayana—the lotus-eyed Lord Jagannatha Madhya 11.35
kamala-nayana—lotus eyes. Madhya 12.58
kamala-nayana—eyes like the petals of a lotus flower Madhya 17.108
kamala-nayanera—of the lotus-eyed Adi 6.31
kamala-nayana—eyes like lotus flowers Adi 5.185
kamala-netre—whose lotus eyes Antya 5.112
kamala-nabhaya—unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, from whose abdomen the original lotus flower originated SB 4.30.25
kamala-patra-aksi—O beautiful woman with eyes like the petals of a lotus SB 9.20.11
kamala-patraksa—O lotus-eyed one Bg 11.2
kamala-pure—to the place known as Kamalapura Madhya 5.141
kamala-padaya—whose feet are as beautiful and fragrant as the lotus flower SB 4.30.25
kamala-vanam—a forest of lotus flowers Antya 1.169
kamala-akaram—the source of lotus flowers SB 5.2.4
kamala-asana-stham—sitting on the lotus flower Bg 11.15
kamala-asanah—Lord Brahma SB 7.10.33
kara-kamala—of the lotus hands SB 6.16.25
pada-kamala tomara—Your lotus feet Madhya 13.141
praphulla-kamala—blossoming lotus flower Madhya 12.212
vadana-kamala—the lotuslike face. Madhya 12.211