jyestha—elder Adi 10.5
jyestha—senior Madhya 11.140
jyestha—misfortune SB 1.17.32
jyestha—the senior SB 6.14.28
jyestha—by the name Jyestha SB 10.6.27-29
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: jyestha
jyestha-bhrata—the elder brother Antya 1.200
jyestha-bhave—in the emotion of being superior Adi 6.99
jyestha-kanistha-abhimana—considering Themselves the elder or younger Adi 5.154
jyestha-putrasya—of the first son, Yadu SB 9.23.18-19
jyestha-sahodara—elder brothers Antya 4.32