jihva—tongue SB 2.3.20, SB 7.9.15, Adi 17.200, Madhya 17.111, Madhya 18.203, Madhya 19.213, Antya 16.121-122
jihva—of the tongue Adi 2.2, Antya 16.119, NoI 1
jihva—the sense of taste SB 3.26.41
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: jihva
jihva-agre—on the tongue Madhya 11.192, Madhya 19.72
idhma-jihva—Idhmajihva SB 5.1.25
jihva-lampatya—indulging in satisfying the tongue Antya 8.85
jihva-phalam—the perfection of the tongue Madhya 20.61
jihva-adau—beginning with the tongue Madhya 17.136
mora jihva—my tongue Madhya 8.133