Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: jan
agra-jan—the elder brothers. SB 4.22.6
avara-jan—and those who were younger than He SB 9.10.45-46
iksvaku-purva-jan—of whom the eldest was named Iksvaku SB 9.2.2
karma-jan—born of work Bg 4.32
manah-samsparsa-jan—produced from demands for sense gratification SB 7.13.27
murdha-jan—hair. SB 3.23.24
prakrti-jan—produced by the material nature Bg 13.22
sva-karma-jan—produced from one's own work SB 2.2.7
atma-jan—own sons SB 1.7.41
atma-jan—His sons SB 5.5.28
atma-jan—your own sons SB 8.17.15