iti—thus. Bg 1.25, Bg 4.4, SB 1.17.27, SB 3.1.5, SB 3.2.22, SB 3.13.29, SB 3.19.6, SB 3.20.2, SB 3.20.7, SB 3.29.34 (and more...)
iti—in this way Bg 16.11-12, SB 3.20.37, SB 4.20.30, SB 5.10.6, SB 5.20.36, SB 5.26.7, SB 6.16.12, SB 7.3.12, SB 7.5.18, SB 7.7.23 (and more...)
iti—thus thinking SB 1.4.25, SB 5.8.7, SB 5.10.1, SB 5.14.17, Adi 4.184
iti—all these SB 1.8.50, SB 2.5.18, SB 2.7.38
iti—also Bg 13.23, SB 10.2.11-12
iti—this Bg 2.42-43
iti—therefore Bg 4.3
iti—that Bg 17.23
iti—they Bg 17.25
iti—it is thus SB 1.5.15
iti—and so on SB 1.15.18
iti—thus vituperating SB 2.5.13
iti—so it is SB 3.9.1
iti—thus (thinking) SB 4.11.33
iti—thus (saying out of contempt) SB 5.9.9-10
iti—taking it as SB 5.14.5
iti—considering in that way SB 5.14.40
iti—known by these names. SB 5.17.5
iti—thus accepting the words of Lord Brahma SB 7.9.4
iti—thus stated SB 8.19.41
iti—thus accepted SB 9.7.9
iti—thus (Hariscandra said). SB 9.7.10
iti—as such SB 9.8.14
iti—in this way (after giving everything to the brahmanas) SB 9.11.4
iti—like that SB 9.17.6
iti—like this SB 9.20.34
iti—thus (thinking in the above-mentioned way) SB 10.2.23
iti—considering all these things SB 10.7.13-15
iti—thus deciding SB 10.10.26
iti—as Adi 4.163
iti—here Adi 7.88
iti—such Madhya 6.235
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: iti
iti uktah—thus being addressed SB 8.19.28, SB 9.3.14, SB 9.9.3, SB 10.1.35
iti uktva—saying this SB 7.10.31, SB 8.23.3, SB 9.19.21, SB 10.4.23
iti evam—in this way SB 3.31.28, SB 5.13.24
iti uti—here and there Madhya 2.72, Antya 14.103
na iti—not this SB 2.2.18, SB 2.2.18
bhadrakali iti—the name Bhadrakali SB 10.2.11-12
bhagavan iti—known as Bhagavan SB 1.2.11
bhagavan iti—as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Madhya 25.132
brahma iti—known as Brahman SB 1.2.11
brahma iti—as the impersonal Brahman Madhya 25.132
badham iti—accepting, �Yes, sir� SB 3.24.13
sabda-brahma iti—the sounds of the Vedas SB 3.11.35
durga iti—the name Durga SB 10.2.11-12
drdham iti—very firmly Madhya 22.57-58
hatah asi iti—now you are killed SB 8.11.30
he sakha iti—O my dear friend, ajanata Bg 11.41-42
iti asau—this body. SB 1.12.10
iti srutah—thus they are celebrated SB 9.23.20-21
iti susruma—I have heard it (from reliable sources). SB 9.1.36
iti evam—knowing thus Bg 14.22-25
iti manmahe—this is our opinion SB 10.4.37
iti proktah—it is so said SB 2.8.8
iti samvicintya—very perfectly thinking about the subject matter SB 10.12.28
iti sancintya—thinking in this way SB 10.13.38
iti uktah—thus commanded SB 3.20.28
iti uktah—thus being questioned SB 8.24.4
iti uktah—thus being requested SB 8.24.23
iti uktah—was known as such SB 9.9.40
iti uktah—in this way ordered by mother Yasoda SB 10.8.36
iti uktah—thus being ordered by him SB 10.8.50
iti uktau—having been ordered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in this way SB 10.10.43
iti ukte—when you were requested in this way SB 10.3.37-38
iti uktva—after speaking like this SB 9.4.11
iti uktva—after saying this SB 9.9.8
iti uktva—after instructing in this way SB 10.3.46
iti uktva—saying this (�Let Me bring your calves personally�) SB 10.13.14
iti uktah—being thus advised SB 9.16.5
iti uta—thus spoken SB 10.7.10
iti vadinah—they spoke thus. SB 10.4.34
iti avedita—thus being prayed to by me SB 3.4.19
iti-krtyam—what is necessary to be done SB 3.23.11
iti-madhye—in the meantime Adi 7.49
iti-uti dhaya—runs here and there Madhya 4.200
iti-uti dhaya—wanders here and there Antya 19.99
iti-adi—and so on Madhya 24.31
iti-adika—all these and others Adi 10.127
iti-adika—in this way Madhya 20.239
jaya iti—vibrated the chant �let there be victory� SB 7.10.68
jiva jiva iti—O living entity, be alive SB 9.22.8
kanyaka iti—the name Kanyaka or Kanya-kumari SB 10.2.11-12
kapilah iti—as Kapila SB 3.24.19
kim iti—for what reason SB 5.10.2
krsna iti—Krsna Antya 1.142
mam iti—exactly like me, or me factually SB 9.14.42
om iti—preceded by the word om SB 8.19.38
om iti ukte—by reciting the Vedic pranava, invoking the Supreme Personality of Godhead to witness the marriage SB 9.20.16
paramatma iti—known as Paramatma SB 1.2.11
paramatma iti—as the Supersoul Madhya 25.132
putra iti—O my son SB 1.2.2
rama iti—He will also be called Rama SB 10.2.13
sva-para iti—this is another�s interest SB 10.4.26
sadhu sadhu iti—exclaiming, �Very good, very good� SB 10.11.44
tatha iti—shall be like that SB 9.14.22
tatha iti—let it be so SB 9.16.1
tatha iti—when King Vrsaparva agreed to Sukracarya�s proposal SB 9.18.28
tatha iti—so be it SB 10.2.14
tatha iti—as Krsna proposed, the other cowherd boys agreed SB 10.13.7
vaisnavi iti—the name Vaisnavi SB 10.2.11-12
va iti—be either SB 1.7.26
atmarama-iti—beginning with the word atmarama Madhya 24.1