iksana—from directly seeing SB 6.9.29-30
iksana—glance. Adi 5.56
iksana—glancing Adi 6.17
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: iksana
dava-iksana-usnah—and whose glance was like flames of fire. SB 10.12.17
iksana-adharam—eyes of the same nature SB 4.8.46
iksana-visayah—the object of the sight SB 5.3.10
kamala-iksana—whose eyes are exactly like the petals of the lotus flower. SB 4.30.25
kuvalaya-iksana—the lotus-eyed SB 3.23.24
madira-iksana—with enchanting eyes SB 4.28.34
tat-iksana—just to look upon Him (Krsna) SB 1.11.24
tat-iksana-utprema-rasa-apluta-asayah—all the thoughts of the cowherd men merged in the mellow of paternal love, which was aroused by seeing their sons SB 10.13.33
akula-iksana—her eyes were filled SB 8.17.6