huta—sacrifice in the fire SB 1.10.28
huta—being offered oblations SB 3.21.45-47
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: huta
huta-asane—in the fire sacrifice SB-4.21.41
huta-asanat—from the blazing fire SB 8.15.5
huta-agnayah—the sacrificial fire SB 1.1.5
huta-agnih—and offering fuel in the fire SB 1.13.31
huta-bhojanam—eating the oblations of sacrifice. SB 4.1.60
huta-bhuk—the sacrificial fire SB 3.16.8
huta-bhuk—the enjoyer of the sacrifice SB 6.19.26-28
huta-vaha—of fire Madhya 22.91
huta-asah—fire SB 4.7.45