hrt—the heart SB 1.15.27, SB 3.12.11, SB 4.9.2, SB 10.6.22-23
hrt—heart SB 2.2.10, SB 4.6.47, SB 4.29.18-20
hrt—in the heart SB 4.23.14, Antya 4.64
hrt—with the heart Madhya 6.261, Antya 9.77
hrt—within the heart SB 4.9.33
hrt—whose hearts SB 10.6.15-17
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: hrt
hrt-saya—by sex desires SB 3.14.8
hrt-saya—of lusty desires within the heart SB 6.1.61
hrt-sayena—lusty desires within the mind of Ravana SB 9.10.10
hrt-sayan—material desires. SB 1.6.22
hrt-isvaram—to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul within the heart. SB 7.7.37
hrt-gatah—in the core of the heart SB 7.13.22
hrt-padma-karnika—the whorl of the lotus flower of the heart SB 4.8.50
hrt-padmesu—in the lotus hearts SB 3.32.11
hrt-pateh—of the Lord of the heart. SB 1.3.35
hrt-pritau—satisfaction of the heart Madhya 14.197
hrt-roga—the disease of the heart Antya 5.45-46
hrt-rogam—the disease of the heart Antya 5.48
hrt-rujam—the pains within the core of the heart SB 6.14.52
hrt-sarojah—lotuslike heart SB 1.15.2
hrt-saroruham—whose heart, which was like a lotus flower SB 7.8.31
hrt-stham—situated in the heart Bg 4.42
hrt-saram—power of endurance SB 7.3.18
jata-hrt-sayah—their hearts being filled with lust to enjoy Her. SB 8.9.2
klinna-hrt—whose heart was softened due to transcendental ecstasy SB 7.9.6
nija-purusa-hrt-likhitena—which is situated in the heart of His own devotee like an engraved picture SB 5.7.7
su-hrt—intimate friend SB 2.7.24
su-hrt—well-wishing husband SB 4.28.60
su-hrt—the friend. SB 6.4.12
sadhu-hrt-sayah—stake in the hearts of all honest persons SB 7.8.51