hara—necklaces SB 4.12.20, Madhya 14.130
hara—necklace SB 4.24.47-48, SB 5.3.3
hara—please take away SB 6.8.26
hara—just dissipate SB 6.14.57
hara—please diminish SB 10.2.40
hara—the attractor. Madhya 8.143
hara—kindly take away Madhya 20.299
hara—and Lord Siva Madhya 21.36
hara—plunder Antya 15.16
hara—vanquishing Antya 16.119
hara—You take away Antya 16.133
hara—pearl necklace SB 3.28.15
hara—of pearl necklaces SB 3.28.25
hara—with garlands SB 4.10.18-19
hara—and of garlands SB 8.12.19
hara—with flower garlands SB 10.5.11
hara—become defeated Madhya 10.174
hara—of a necklace Antya 15.63
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: hara
arti-hara—to relieve distress SB 1.8.43
citta-hara—the enchanter of the mind Madhya 2.68
hara-dvisah—envious of Lord Siva. SB 4.2.25
hara-vat—like that of Hara (Mahadeva) SB 2.7.24
hara-gana—necklaces. Adi 13.112
hara-nupura—with a necklace on the chest and ankle bells on the legs SB 8.6.3-7
loka-arti-hara—vanquisher of the distress of the devotees SB 3.8.27
mada-hara—intoxicating power Antya 15.22
manah-hara—very beautiful. Adi 15.4
mura-hara—O killer of the demon Mura Madhya 22.6
nara-hara—O Lord in the form of Nrsimha SB 7.8.52
ratna-hara—pearl necklaces Madhya 6.256
ama-pitta-hara—which removes mucus caused by too much bile Antya 10.23