guruna—by the teachers SB 7.5.3, SB 7.5.29
guruna—undisturbed SB 4.8.44
guruna—the spiritual master SB 4.28.41
guruna—by your spiritual master SB 8.21.32
guruna—by the order of his spiritual master SB 9.2.3
guruna—by the spiritual master (Vasistha) SB 9.6.9
guruna—by the spiritual master (Brhaspati) SB 9.17.15
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: guruna
akhila-jagat-guruna—the spiritual master of the whole universe SB 5.20.39
deva-guruna—by the spiritual master of the demigods, Brhaspati SB 9.14.5
loka-guruna—by the original teacher of all people, Lord Brahma SB 4.19.39
loka-guruna—by the supreme master of all people SB 4.20.17
loka-guruna—by the supreme spiritual master of everyone SB 7.4.29