grahana—accept. Adi 7.149
grahana—eclipse Adi 13.92
grahana—acceptance Madhya 6.70
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: grahana
dura-grahana—the ability to perceive things far, far away SB 5.5.35
gala-grahana-niscestah—because of Krsna�s grasping the neck of the demon Trnavarta, the demon choked and could not do anything SB 10.7.28
grahana kare—chants. Antya 3.140
grahana-adibhih—beginning with chanting. SB 6.3.22
grahana-aturam—afflicted because of being captured SB 7.8.29
karena grahana—accepts. Madhya 18.131
karibe grahana—will accept. Antya 7.135
koti-nama-grahana—chanting ten million names Antya 3.124
na kare grahana—he does not accept Antya 8.81
nama-grahana—by the chanting of the name SB 10.6.27-29
pani-grahana—marriage Adi 15.4
rama-nama-grahana—chanting the holy name of Lord Ramacandra Madhya 9.26
sannyasa grahana kaila—he also accepted the renounced order of life Madhya 10.104
tat-rupa-grahana-nimittam—the reason why Lord Krsna (Kesava) assumed the form of Nrsimha SB 5.18.7
visaya-grahana—accepting sense objects Antya 2.118