giri—of hills SB 3.30.27
giri—of the hills SB 4.18.29
giri—by hills and mountains SB 5.1.40
giri—of a mountain SB 5.26.28
giri—of mountains SB 6.10.26
giri—by peaks of mountains SB 9.10.20
giri—mountains Adi 8.5
giri—in the words or speech NoI 5
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: giri
giri govardhana—to the hill known as Govardhana. Madhya 4.21
giri-sam—the lord of the Kailasa Hill SB 4.30.2
giri-sikhara-sthulani—which are as fat as mountain peaks SB 5.16.16
giri-sikharam—to the peak of Nila Mountain SB 5.17.8
giri-sikharat—from the peak of Kumuda Mountain SB 5.17.8
giri-srnga—like a mountain peak SB 10.12.17
giri-srngam—the peak of a mountain SB 6.12.32
giri-daryam—in a cave in a mountain SB 5.24.23
giri-dhatu—some minerals from the hills Madhya 14.204
giri-isah—Lord Siva
giri-kandara—like the caves of a mountain SB 7.8.19-22
giri-kandara—like mountain caves SB 10.6.15-17
giri-kandara-praye—similar to the dark caves in the mountains. SB 5.14.33
giri-kandare—in a cave in a mountain SB 5.13.18
giri-kuta-vat—appearing like the weight of a mountain peak. SB 10.7.18
giri-kutani—the tops of mountains SB 5.17.9
giri-kanana—the hills and forests SB 4.14.46
giri-pata—because of the falling of Mandara Mountain SB 8.6.37
giri-rajasya—the king of sand hills Antya 14.120
giri-rat—the Himalaya Mountains SB 6.12.27-29
giri-rat—the king of mountains SB 8.7.12
giri-tate—at the foot of Govardhana Hill NoI 9
giri-tra—O King of the mountains SB 8.7.31
giri-vare—great mountain SB 5.20.40
govardhana-giri-patim—Govardhana, the king of hills Antya 14.120
kula-giri-rajah—the most famous among famous mountains SB 5.16.7
mandara-giri-sikharat—from the top of Mandara Mountain SB 5.16.17
meru-adi-giri-duhitarah—daughters of the mountains beginning with Meru SB 5.17.10
manasottara-giri—of the mountain known as Manasottara SB 5.21.7
sa-giri-sarit-samudra-sattvam—with many mountains, trees, oceans and living entities SB 5.25.12
tat-giri—of that mountain (Trikuta) SB 8.2.20
ucca-giri—high hills Antya 15.19
varsa-giri-dronisu—the valleys between the mountains designating the borders of the tracts of land SB 5.17.13
rsyamuka-giri—at the Rsyamuka Mountain Madhya 9.311
arinda-giri kare—acts as the chief tax collector Antya 3.191