ghana—of dense clouds SB 4.10.23
ghana—heavy. Adi 11.30
ghana—the cloud Antya 18.86
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: ghana
ghana-anikam—bunches of clouds SB 2.10.43
ghana-cchadah—situated behind a cover of clouds SB 7.8.26
ghana-chadah—behind the clouds SB 10.12.29
ghana-syamam—deeply bluish SB 4.8.47
ghana-syamam—densely cloudy SB 4.24.45-46
ghana-syamah—whose bodily hue was intense blue-black SB 6.4.35-39
ghana-syamah—as having a complexion resembling bluish rainclouds SB 10.13.46
ghana-dugdha—condensed milk Madhya 15.217
ghana-dugdha-pura—like condensed milk Madhya 8.304
ghana-dyutih—lightninglike effulgence Antya 1.142
ghana-ruk—of black color SB 4.5.3
ghana-avalih—the clouds SB 4.24.65
ghana-avalih—a line of clouds. SB 1.9.14
ghana-avarta-dugdha—finely condensed milk Madhya 3.53
ghana-avrta—condensed Antya 6.58
ghane ghana—repeatedly Madhya 12.160
nava-ghana—a newly formed cloud Antya 15.64
nava-ghana—of new clouds Antya 17.41
nava-ghana—new cloud Antya 18.86
pranaya-ghana—of the concentrated loving affairs Antya 1.128
sa-ghana—constant Antya 10.72
sa-ghana hunkara—a sound like that of a cloud. Antya 2.19
sukha-ghana-murtau—form of complete happiness Madhya 24.128