gauda—in Bengal Adi 13.12
gauda—to Bengal Madhya 1.19
gauda—the pullers of the car Madhya 13.27
gauda—the workers named gaudas who draw the car Madhya 14.47
gauda—the gaudas Madhya 14.48
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: gauda
gauda haite—from Bengal Madhya 10.98, Madhya 11.64, Madhya 11.67, Madhya 11.70, Madhya 17.16, Antya 4.232, Antya 12.118
gauda ha-ite—from Bengal Madhya 1.131, Madhya 4.103, Madhya 10.5, Antya 10.107, Antya 12.116
gauda-dese—in Bengal Adi 7.165, Madhya 16.90, Antya 12.7, Antya 16.9, Antya 16.38
gauda-udaye—on the eastern horizon of Gauda Adi 1.2, Adi 1.84, Madhya 1.2
gauda-desera—of Bengal Antya 2.8, Antya 6.157
gauda-desa—in Bengal Adi 10.121
gauda-desa—the tract of land known as Gauda-desa, or Bengal Madhya 1.24
gauda-desa—the country known as Bengal Madhya 16.91
gauda-desa—people from all provinces of Bengal. Antya 2.20
gauda-desa diya—through Bengal Madhya 16.256
gauda-desa diya—by way of Bengal Madhya 19.241
gauda-desa-pathe—on the way through the province of Bengal Madhya 25.255
gauda-desa-vasi—residents of Bengal Adi 10.128
gauda-dese—in the country of Gauda Adi 1.85-86
gauda-dese—toward Bengal Madhya 4.109
gauda-dese—to Bengal. Antya 16.77
gauda-dese yaite—to return to Bengal Antya 12.65
gauda-dese aila—reached Bengal, which is known as Gauda-desa Antya 1.37
gauda-desera loka—the people of Bengal Antya 2.17
gauda-desera sannyasi—the sannyasi from Bengal Madhya 17.116
gauda-isvara—King of Bengal Madhya 1.168
gauda-isvara—the ruler of Bengal Madhya 19.26
gauda-isvara—the Nawab of Bengal Madhya 19.27
gauda-ghare—to a milkman's house Antya 12.25
gauda-indrasya—of the ruler of Gauda-desa (Bengal) Madhya 24.348
gauda-nikata—to Bengal Madhya 1.212
gauda-patha diya—by the path through Bengal Antya 13.90
gauda-pathe—on the way to Bengal Antya 1.221
gauda-raja—the King of Bengal. Madhya 1.222
gauda-udyanam—upon the garden known as Gauda-desa Madhya 16.1
yaha gauda-dese—go to Gauda-desa (Bengal) Madhya 15.42