gati—refuge Adi 1.15, Madhya 1.3, Antya 1.5
gati—entrance Adi 5.31, Madhya 8.204-205
gati—movement Bg 4.29
gati—passing away Bg 8.26
gati—movements SB 1.9.40
gati—ultimate goal SB 3.5.14
gati—in the progression SB 5.2.5
gati—by her movement SB 5.2.6
gati—with movements SB 5.18.16
gati—moving. Adi 2.45
gati—advancement. Adi 8.7
gati—movement Adi 17.118
gati—the course Madhya 2.60
gati—the destination Madhya 8.257
gati—moving Madhya 14.187
gati—result Madhya 16.185
gati—admission. Madhya 20.269
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: gati
anya gati—other resort. Madhya 16.89
buddhi-gati—movement of my intelligence Madhya 8.191
buddhira gati—the limit of my intelligence Antya 20.81
sighra-gati—very swiftly Madhya 5.156
ei gati—such a situation. Madhya 6.210
gati prakara—mode of progress Antya 18.16-17
gati-artham—for going SB 4.25.45
gati-dayakah—giving liberation Madhya 23.79-81
gati-trayah—the three destinations. SB 3.22.36
loka-gati—the course of the world Adi 3.98
mora habe asat-gati—I shall not get my destination. Antya 8.24
nana-gati—of varied destinations SB 5.19.20
sat-gati—good destination Antya 4.10
sat-gati se haya—he must have achieved liberation Antya 2.159
suryera gati—the movement of the sun Antya 20.57
tirtha-grhe gati—going to temples and places of pilgrimage. Madhya 22.122
valgu-gati-lila-avalokanaih—moving very softly, they attract everyone�s heart. SB 8.8.7
vayu-gati—the speed of the wind Antya 14.91
atma-gati—real purpose of life SB 4.28.9