Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: dvi
dvi-vidha—two kinds Adi 2.97, Adi 2.98, Madhya 23.50, Antya 6.76
dvi-guna—twice Madhya 7.24, Madhya 21.132, Antya 19.30
dvi-bhuja—two-handed Adi 17.15, Madhya 20.175
dvi-sat-guna-yutat—who is qualified with twelve brahminical qualifications Madhya 20.59, Antya 16.26
dvi-sahasram—two thousand yojanas SB 5.16.10, SB 5.16.27
dvi-vidha—twofold Adi 1.64, Madhya 25.259
dvi-angula—by a measurement of two fingers SB 10.9.15
dvi-angulam—by a measurement of two fingers SB 10.9.16
dvi-aksaram—consisting of two letters SB 4.4.14
dvi-asta—twice eight SB 1.14.37
dvi-asta—sixteen SB 1.19.26
dvi-asta-sahasram—sixteen thousand Adi 1.71
dvi-asta-sahasram—sixteen thousand Madhya 20.170
dvi-avaran—a minimum of two SB 8.16.43
dvi-bhuja—two arms Adi 2.29
dvi-bhuja—two hands Adi 5.27-28
dvi-bhuja—two-armed Adi 17.292
dvi-cakram—two wheels SB 4.26.1-3
dvi-sapha-itarah—animals such as horses, which do not have cloven hooves SB 6.6.29-31
dvi-saphah—having two hooves SB 3.10.22
dvi-saphah—having cloven hooves SB 6.6.27
dvi-sirsne—who have two heads SB 8.16.31
dvi-dalayoh—in the two halves SB 5.21.2
dvi-isam—two arrows SB 4.26.1-3
dvi-guna—twofold Madhya 14.234
dvi-guna—double Antya 9.133
dvi-guna—twice as big Antya 10.37
dvi-guna—doubly Antya 18.63
dvi-guna kariya—increasing to double. Madhya 12.220
dvi-guna kariya—making a double portion Madhya 14.111
dvi-guna vartana—twice the salary. Antya 9.106
dvi-guna-visalah—twice as big SB 5.20.7
dvi-guna-visalena—which is twice as wide SB 5.20.2
dvi-guna-ayamah—whose measurement is twice as great SB 5.20.29
dvi-gunam—twice as much SB 4.10.10
dvi-gunah—twice as big SB 5.20.18
dvi-gune—with doubled strength Antya 18.58
dvi-gunani—twice SB 3.11.19
dvi-ja—the twice-born SB 1.8.49
dvi-ja—O twice-born Daksa SB 4.7.51
dvi-ja—by brahmanas SB 8.8.14
dvi-janmanam—of the twice-born SB 4.12.48
dvi-janmanam—of persons who are called twice-born SB 7.11.13
dvi-jah—twice-born SB 7.11.13
dvi-jah—the twice-born, namely the brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas SB 7.12.13-14
dvi-jatayah—and the twice-born (the brahmanas and the Vaisnavas) SB 4.21.45
dvi-jatayah—the twice-born (brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas) SB 8.4.15
dvi-jatayah—called brahmana (being a mixture of brahmana and ksatriya). SB 9.6.3
dvi-jateh—a qualified brahmana SB 6.11.15
dvi-jatibhih—by brahmanas SB 7.5.7
dvi-jatibhih—by the brahmanas present. SB 7.10.24
dvi-jatih—born in a brahmana family SB 5.9.9-10
dvi-jah—the twice-born (especially the brahmanas) SB 7.15.1
dvi-jah—O brahmanas assembled here SB 8.5.14
dvi-khagah—two birds (the individual soul and the Supersoul) SB 10.2.27
dvi-laksa-yojana-antara-gatah—situated at a distance of 1,600,000 miles SB 5.22.15
dvi-laksa-yojanatah—200,000 yojanas SB 5.22.11
dvi-laksa-yojanatah—200,000 yojanas (1,600,000 miles) SB 5.22.12
dvi-laksa-yojanatah—1,600,000 miles SB 5.22.13
dvi-murdhan—Dvimurdha (two-headed) SB 7.2.4-5
dvi-murti ha-iya—taking two forms Adi 6.14-15
dvi-nayana—two eyes Madhya 21.134
dvi-sat—twelve. SB 4.1.7
dvi-sat—twice six and one (thirteen) SB 6.6.2
dvi-sat-guna-yutat—qualified with twelve brahminical qualities SB 7.9.10
dvi-sat-guna-yutat—who has twelve brahminical qualifications Antya 4.69
dvi-pada-pasubhih—who are nothing but animals with two legs SB 5.9.9-10
dvi-padah—two-legged SB 5.18.27
dvi-pade—to the two-legged (driver) SB 5.1.14
dvi-padam—of human beings, who have two legs SB 6.4.9
dvi-para-ardha—up to the limit of 4,300,000,000 x 2 x 30 x 12 x 100 solar years SB 3.9.18
dvi-parardha—two superdurations of time SB 3.11.39
dvi-parardha—two parardhas SB 3.32.8
dvi-parardha—the duration of the life of Brahma SB 5.14.29
dvi-parardha-avasane—after millions and millions of years (the life of Brahma) SB 10.3.25
dvi-parardha-samjne—the time known as the end of a dvi-parardha SB 9.4.53-54
dvi-parardha-akhyah—measured by the two halves of Brahma�s life SB 3.11.38
dvi-phalah—in this body we are subject to material happiness and distress, which result from karma SB 10.2.27
dvi-pat—two-legged. SB 3.29.30
dvi-pat—pairs of legs together SB 10.13.30
dvi-rada—the elephant Adi 3.31
dvi-repha—bees SB 3.15.28
dvi-repha—with bees SB 3.28.15
dvi-sahasra-prthavah—which are two thousand yojanas wide SB 5.16.8
dvi-sahasra-yojanani—2,000 yojanas SB 5.21.19
dvi-sandhya—twice a day Madhya 15.241
dvi-saptadha—fourteen divisions. SB 3.10.8
dvi-vidha—two types Adi 4.46
dvi-vidha srngara—two kinds of conjugal love Madhya 23.62
dvi-vidha pra-kase—twofold manifestations Madhya 20.167
dvi-vidham—these two varieties SB 7.15.47
dvi-vidhah—two kinds SB 4.29.23-25
dvi-vidha—two kinds of Bg 3.3
dvi-vidhah—the moving and the standing living entities SB 2.10.37-40
prakasa dvi-rupa—the two kinds of manifestation. Madhya 24.84
tat-dvi-gunah—twice that SB 5.20.13
ye-kale dvi-bhuja—when the Lord appears as two-handed Madhya 20.176