dvara—the door Madhya 4.127, Madhya 7.88
dvara—by Adi 1.100, Antya 8.100
dvara—the doors of palaces SB 9.10.17
dvara—all the doors or entrances SB 10.5.6
dvara—a way Madhya 4.50
dvara—the doors. Madhya 4.130
dvara—family. Antya 15.71
dvara—by means of Madhya 6.8
dvara—through Antya 5.84
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: dvara
chadila simha-dvara—he has given up standing at the Simha-dvara Antya 6.284
sri-rupa-dvara—through Sri Rupa Gosvami Antya 5.87
sastra-dvara—through the medium of revealed scriptures Madhya 20.353
dvara cahi—looking for the door Antya 19.63
dvara diya—closing the door Madhya 4.132
dvara karite—to make a way. Madhya 4.49
dvara mana—closed door Antya 2.114
dvara nahi pana—not finding the door Antya 19.64
dvara-adhipam—the doorkeeper Antya 16.87
dvara-bhutena—existing as the doorways SB 5.14.1
dvara-mana—the door was closed Antya 2.114
dvara-mana—the closed door Antya 2.116
dvara-pala—the doorman Madhya 21.59
dvara-panam—keeping watch at the door SB 1.18.33
dvara-trayam—the three doors Antya 17.72
eka dvara—one door Madhya 15.206
eka dvara—another door Madhya 15.206
gada-dvara yaite—to go openly on the road by the ramparts Madhya 20.28
gada-dvara-patha—the path of the fortress Madhya 20.16
garbha-udaka-sayi-dvara—by Lord Garbhodakasayi Visnu Madhya 20.303
gonpha-dvara—to the door of the cave. Antya 3.234
govinda-dvara—through Govinda Antya 1.64
gundicara dvara—at the door of the Gundica temple Madhya 14.58
haridasa-dvara—by Haridasa Thakura Antya 5.86
hladinira dvara—by the pleasure potency Adi 4.60
karya-dvara—by activities Madhya 20.357
patri-dvara—by the letters Madhya 1.209
pura-dvara—of the gateway of the temple Madhya 12.135
raghava-pandita-dvara—through Raghava pandita Antya 6.127
raja-dvara—to the door of the King. Antya 9.18
raya-dvara—with the help of Ramananda Raya Antya 20.110
saba dvara—the whole door Antya 10.85
sanatana-dvara—by Sanatana Gosvami Antya 5.86
sei-dvara—by that Antya 7.167
seva-dvara—a means of rendering service to the Lord Madhya 6.267
simha-dvara—at the main gate of the temple. Madhya 14.131
simha-dvara—the lion gate Madhya 16.43
simha-dvara—at the gate known as Simha-dvara. Antya 6.217
simha-dvara—of the gate named Simha-dvara Antya 17.12
simha-dvara chadila—gave up standing at the gate known as Simha-dvara Antya 6.281
simha-dvara dahine—on the right side of the lion gate Madhya 11.125
svarupa-govinda-dvara—through Govinda and Svarupa Damodara Gosvami Antya 6.230
tina-dvara—three doors Antya 14.60