drk—eyes SB 3.8.10, SB 5.2.16
drk—vision SB 1.9.30
drk—the sense for seeing SB 2.5.31
drk—the very sight SB 2.9.16
drk—internal potency. SB 3.5.24
drk—the sense of sight SB 3.26.13
drk—whose vision SB 3.29.8
drk—the vision SB 4.4.24
drk—the power of vision SB 5.19.12
drk—of the eyes SB 5.20.46
drk—of sight SB 7.2.33
drk—all directions SB 8.7.14
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: drk
a-sva-drk—one who has not seen himself (because of the darkness of the bodily conception of life) SB 10.4.22
asesa-drk harih—Krsna, who has unlimited potency, could understand past, future and present. SB 10.12.28
amogha-drk—one who is fully equipped in knowledge. SB 1.4.17-18
amogha-drk—the perfect seer SB 1.5.13
amogha-drk—one who has perfect vision SB 1.5.21
arka-drk—appear like the sun SB 8.24.50
artha-drk—self-interested SB 7.13.29
avastu-drk—seeing as if insubstantial SB 7.4.33
aviddha-drk—He sees everything (in all these circumstances) SB 8.3.4
bhinna-drk—having separated vision SB 4.9.33
capala-drk—the restless eyesight SB 7.9.40
dharma-drk—possessing vision of religion. SB 6.18.71
dista-drk—the seer of all destiny. SB 4.21.23
drk-ancala-taskaraih—by the glances of His eyes like thieves Antya 1.190
drk-gocaram—visible to his naked eyes SB 4.20.22
drk-indivara—whose lotus eyes Madhya 23.33
drk-vacah—the seeing and talking of SB 7.2.48
guna-vastu-drk—who is attracted by the creation of the modes of material nature SB 6.9.49
mantra-drk—who could foresee the Vedic mantras SB 8.23.29
milita-drk—the eyes appearing closed SB 7.9.32
nipuna-drk—intelligent SB 7.13.19
para-avara-drk—seeing the cause and effect SB 6.16.11
rajah-tamah-sattva-vibhakta-karma-drk—a conditioned soul who sees only immediately beneficial fruitive activities and their results, which are divided into three groups by the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance SB 5.13.1
sama-drk—seeing equality SB 3.24.44
sama-drk—equipoised SB 4.14.41
sama-drk—sees equally SB 6.17.34-35
samasta-drk—seer or knower of everything SB 4.6.49
sarva-buddhi-drk—the supreme observer, the Supersoul, the intelligence of everyone. SB 10.3.13
sarva-drk—the seer of everything Madhya 20.313
satya-drk—the self-realized soul. SB 3.27.13
satya-drk—one who has actually realized the ultimate truth SB 7.13.44
sva-drk—qualitatively like Him SB 1.13.48
sva-drk—taking special care for His devotees SB 3.14.47
sva-drk—seeing himself SB 3.24.44
sva-drk—one who sees his constitutional position. SB 3.32.34-36
sva-drk—looking upon Himself SB 4.9.14
sva-drk—one who can see his own welfare SB 4.29.26-27
sva-drk—self-effulgent SB 6.16.9
sva-drk—self-illuminated SB 7.7.19-20
sva-drk—you manifest yourself SB 8.7.23
svayam-drk—self-sufficient SB 4.7.50
tattva-drk—one who knows the tattvas, the material and spiritual energies SB 6.10.12
tri-surya-drk—as bright as three suns combined SB 4.5.3
visva-drk—the seer of the whole universe SB 4.20.32
vijnana-drk—by scientific knowledge SB 2.2.19
yat-drk-visayah—has become the object of direct vision, face to face SB 10.12.12
atma-drk—the self-realized. SB 3.27.10
atma-drk—facing towards the Supersoul SB 4.11.29
atma-drk—one who has seen or acquired self-realization SB 4.24.7
atma-drk—one who can actually see the self SB 7.13.5
atma-drk—a self-realized soul. SB 9.19.20
ayuh-veda-drk—fully conversant in the medical science SB 8.8.34