dik—open space SB 2.2.4
dik—the controller of directions SB 2.5.30
dik—the directions. SB 4.5.10
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: dik
dik-darasana—indication. Madhya 14.142, Madhya 25.244
dik-vasasah—naked SB 3.19.20, SB 3.20.40
caturh-dik—all around Madhya 12.121
catuh-dik—the four directions Madhya 1.276
catuh-dik—all directions Antya 14.102
cari-dik—all around Madhya 4.82
dasa-dik—ten directions Madhya 21.139
dik-ambaram—dressed by all directions (naked) SB 1.19.27
dik-darasana—pointing out the direction. Madhya 17.232
dik-darasana—general survey Madhya 19.235
dik-darasana—a slight indication. Madhya 20.248
dik-darasana—by a sample direction. Madhya 20.297
dik-darasana—indicating the direction only Madhya 20.300
dik-darasana—only partial showing. Madhya 20.404
dik-darasana—an indication only. Madhya 21.30
dik-darasana—an indication Madhya 24.329
dik-darasana—just a little direction Madhya 24.345
dik-darasana—seeing the direction. Antya 17.65
dik-darasana—only an indication Antya 18.12
dik-darasana—just to make an indication Antya 20.76
dik-darasana kailun—have simply made an indication Madhya 18.224
dik-darasana kari—let Me describe some of them Madhya 20.367
dik-desa—direction and country SB 1.6.8
dik-devataya—by the demigod Rudra SB 6.13.17
dik-devatah—the demigods in charge of different directions, like the sun and the moon SB 5.14.9
dik-gajaih—by big elephants trained to smash anything under their feet SB 7.5.43-44
dik-gajah—the most powerful enemies, who were like elephants SB 7.15.68
dik-gajendrah—the rulers of the different directions SB 4.5.10
dik-gajah—elephants that could go in any direction SB 8.8.5
dik-ibha-indra-pattam—as the ornamental cloth covering the elephant that conquers the directions SB 9.11.21
dik-ibha-jayinah—who are victorious in all directions SB 5.14.40
dik-karinam—the great elephant who could go everywhere SB 8.10.25
dik-matra—only a direction Antya 15.98
dik-pala—the governors of the directions Madhya 21.93-94
dik-vidik—the right or wrong direction Madhya 8.9
dik-vidik—of time and circumstances Madhya 14.101
dik-vidik-jnana—knowledge of the right direction or wrong direction Madhya 3.10
dik-vidiksu—in all directions Adi 4.125
dik-vijaye—for the purpose of gaining victory over Bali Maharaja SB 5.24.27
dik-vijaye—for conquering all directions SB 8.19.5
dik-vijaye—to conquer all the world SB 9.11.25
dik-vijaye—while conquering all directions SB 9.20.30
dik-vijayinah—great heroes who have conquered all directions SB 9.10.15
dik-vasasah—being naked SB 7.1.37
dik-vasah—completely naked SB 7.13.41
ei dik-darasana—this summary inspection Madhya 25.240
eka-dik ha-ite—to turn on one side Antya 10.87
kari dik darasana—I shall describe in brief. Antya 2.15
kari dik darasana—I show an indication Antya 14.122
nirjita-dik-gajendrah—who have conquered many other heroes as powerful as elephants SB 5.13.15