dhiyam—of intelligence SB 2.4.20
dhiyam—of the mind SB 2.10.3
dhiyam—of those who perceive. SB 6.9.37
dhiyam—whose intelligence SB 7.5.5
dhiyam—of those whose intelligence SB 7.5.11
dhiyam—to all of those whose minds SB 7.9.5
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: dhiyam
anargala-dhiyam—constantly thinking of Radha-Krsna Antya 1.138
artha-dhiyam—who aspire to fulfill material desires SB 5.3.15
ekanta-dhiyam—who are advanced in spiritual consciousness SB 6.11.22
jada-dhiyam—who are dull-headed SB 5.2.8
klinna-dhiyam—affectionate SB 4.3.10
milita-dhiyam—of the less intelligent persons SB 2.7.36
racita-dhiyam—mind fixed SB 4.7.29
sarva-dhiyam—of the varieties of intelligence SB 6.16.10
vakra-dhiyam—deceitful SB 4.3.19