dhama—abodes SB 4.2.35, SB 8.6.27
dhama—to the abode SB 6.8.40, Adi 2.17
dhama—place Madhya 24.166, Madhya 24.213
dhama—the spiritual world Antya 3.64, Antya 3.187
dhama—sustenance Bg 10.12-13
dhama—refuge Bg 11.38
dhama—shelter SB 3.15.39
dhama—the glories SB 4.3.17
dhama—to His abode SB 4.9.26
dhama—which is the place of repose. SB 5.26.40
dhama—to the spiritual world SB 6.2.49
dhama—for the topmost planet SB 6.16.26
dhama—Her bodily luster SB 8.9.2
dhama—the residence SB 8.21.2-3
dhama—a plenary expansion SB 10.2.4-5
dhama—the plenary expansion SB 10.2.8
dhama—the spiritual effulgence SB 10.2.17
dhama—planets. Adi 2.43
dhama—abodes. Adi 2.101
dhama—the place Adi 5.14
dhama—is the reservoir. Adi 7.128
dhama—reservoir. Adi 7.138
dhama—incarnation. Adi 13.74
dhama—are situated. Madhya 20.278
dhama—the place. Madhya 21.46
dhama—the abode. Madhya 21.104
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: dhama
jagat-dhama—the abode of the universes Adi 2.95, Madhya 20.151
sutika-dhama—the birthplace Adi 1.10, Adi 5.93
caitanya-krpa-dhama—of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the reservoir of mercy Adi 10.78-79
sri-vaikuntha-dhama—to the spiritual kingdom, known as Vaikuntha Madhya 9.315
srivatsa-dhama—the Lord, on whose chest the mark of Srivatsa is resting SB 6.8.22
devi-dhama—the place of the external energy Madhya 21.53
dhama-angam—the bodily reservoir SB 1.11.25
dhama-maninam—of those who are body conscious. SB 3.11.39
eka-dhama—the only reservoir SB 4.16.10
gaura-dhama—Lord Sri Caitanya as a child. Adi 14.22
gaura-dhama—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Adi 17.91
gokula-dhama—the spiritual land, the pasturing fields for the surabhi cows Madhya 20.396
guna-dhama—the abode of good qualities. Adi 3.43
guna-dhama—reservoir of all attributes Adi 6.26
guna-dhama—the reservoir of all good qualities Madhya 6.258
gunavat dhama—a furnished residence SB 8.18.32
jyotih-maya dhama—impersonal Brahman effulgence Adi 5.51
kaila gaura-dhama—was given by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Antya 2.53
ksema-dhama—the reservoir of all auspiciousness SB 10.3.26
mangala-guna-dhama—the reservoir of all auspicious attributes Adi 6.12
mat-dhama—My abode SB 4.30.18
mukhya-dhama—principal place Adi 13.37
nija dhama—own residential quarters. Adi 5.111
nija-dhama—the effulgence Adi 1.85-86
nija-dhama—His own abode Adi 5.99
nija-dhama—his own place Madhya 2.26
nitya-dhama—eternal abode. Madhya 20.155
nitya-dhama—the eternal abode Madhya 20.212
pratyak-dhama—the effulgent spiritual world SB 6.5.13
pratyak-dhama—perceivable everywhere SB 3.26.3
prema-dhama—reservoir of love Adi 5.161
sarva-dhama—the abode of all Adi 2.94
sarva-asraya-dhama—the shelter of everything. Adi 5.82
sarva-ananda-dhama—the reservoir of all pleasure. Madhya 23.13
sva-dhama—own abode SB 1.3.43
sva-dhama—your own respective homes SB 4.8.82
sva-dhama—to His abode SB 4.20.37
sva-dhama—to His own abode SB 4.30.43
sva-dhama—her real resort SB 8.8.24
sva-dhama—to His own place. SB 9.24.67
sva-dhama—his own planet, known as Brahmaloka SB 10.1.26
sva-dhama—to His personal abode Madhya 24.321
sva-dhama-atyayam—the destruction of their abodes SB 7.8.15
sva-dhama-dyutih—the illumination of his own residence SB 8.21.1
tat dhama—that abode Bg 15.6
tat-dhama—that abode Bg 8.21
tat-dhama—the abode of the Lord Madhya 20.258
tina dhama—three abodes Madhya 21.92
tri-dhama-paramam—to the highest planetary system SB 3.24.20
tri-dhama—manifesting as the three deities Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara SB 6.8.21
vamsi-gana-amrta-dhama—the abode of the nectar derived from the songs of the flute Madhya 2.29
vaikuntha-adi dhama—all the places known as Vaikunthaloka Adi 5.15
vaikuntha-adi-dhama—the spiritual planets, known as Vaikunthas. Adi 5.43
vaikuntha-adi-dhama—innumerable Vaikuntha planets Madhya 15.175
vibhuti-dhama—opulent abode Madhya 21.55
visnoh dhama—the spiritual abode of Visnu SB 3.11.42
visnu visva-dhama—Lord Visnu, the abode of the total universes. Adi 5.76
vraja-loka-dhama—the place of Vraja Adi 5.17
vrndavana-dhama—shelter at Vrndavana. Adi 5.200
vrndavana-dhama—Vrndavana-dhama. Madhya 14.220
yasah-dhama—the glories of the Lord SB 8.4.3-4