Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: dah
prema-dah—the bestower of love Adi 3.27, Antya 7.15
vara-dah—the giver of benedictions SB 6.18.37, SB 7.3.17
abhaya-dah—factual fearlessness SB 4.24.53
abhista-dah—fulfilling desires SB 4.22.57
agni-dah—who set fire SB 5.26.27
ambu-dah—clouds. SB 8.11.24
artha-dah—the bestower of benedictions SB 5.19.27
artha-dah—beneficial SB 9.9.28
bhuri-dah—most beneficent Madhya 14.13
dhana-dah—Kuvera, the treasurer SB 4.14.26-27
dhana-dah—the treasurer of the demigods (Kuvera) SB 4.15.14
dhana-dah uvaca—the master of the treasury (Kuvera) said SB 4.12.2
duhkha-dah—giving pain Bg 2.14
klesa-dah—inflicting distress SB 3.20.27
klesa-dah—giving misery SB 5.5.4
klesa-dah—painful SB 4.13.45
mana-dah—one who gives respect to all SB 4.16.16
mana-dah—the respectful girls. SB 3.23.28
putra-dah—the giver of the son SB 6.15.17
sarva-vara-dah—who can give all kinds of benedictions SB 8.16.36
siddhi-dah—bestowing perfection. Madhya 22.50
toya-dah—a cloud that delivers rain. SB 8.11.23
vara-dah—benefactor SB 3.9.23
vara-dah—the demigods, bestowers of benedictions SB 4.19.40
vara-dah—able to give benediction SB 4.23.23
vimukti-dah—the process of liberation SB 8.24.46
vrtti-dah—source of subsistence SB 3.13.7
vrtti-dah—employer SB 4.21.22
vrtti-dah—one who gives pensions SB 4.23.1-3
vrtti-dah—giving livelihood SB 7.2.33
atma-dah—one who delivers SB 1.15.17
atma-dah—who can give us our original identity SB 4.31.13
atma-dah—giving Yourself SB 6.16.34