dadhi—curd SB 1.11.15, SB 4.9.58-59, SB 4.19.8, Madhya 1.283, Madhya 15.218
dadhi—with curd SB 10.5.14, SB 10.7.12
dadhi—the ocean of yogurt SB 7.4.17
dadhi—the yogurt SB 10.9.1-2
dadhi—into yogurt Madhya 14.214
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: dadhi
cida-dadhi-mahotsava—the festival of eating chipped rice and yogurt Antya 6.100
dadhi-amatrakam—the container of yogurt SB 10.9.7
dadhi-bhara—a balance for pots of yogurt Madhya 1.146
dadhi-bhata—yogurt with rice Antya 10.151
dadhi-cida—yogurt and chipped rice Antya 6.69
dadhi-dugdha—of milk and yogurt Madhya 15.18
dadhi-manda—emulsified yogurt SB 5.1.33
dadhi-manda-udena—by an ocean containing water resembling churned yogurt SB 5.20.24
dadhi-manda-udat—the ocean of yogurt SB 5.20.29
dadhi-mantha-bhajanam—the pot in which yogurt was being churned SB 10.9.6
dadhi-manthanam—the churning rod SB 10.9.4
dadhi-nirmanthane—while churning the yogurt SB 10.9.1-2
dadhi-payah—pot of curd and milk SB 10.8.29
dadhi-rupa—the form of yogurt Madhya 20.309
dadhi-sandesa—mixed with yogurt and sandesa Madhya 3.55