cittah—consciousness Bg 18.58
cittah—thoughts and actions SB 1.15.49
cittah—intelligence SB 3.8.21
cittah—whose consciousness SB 7.4.33
cittah—mind. SB 1.15.17
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: cittah
anurakta-cittah—a person whose mind is attracted SB 7.6.11-13
anuraga-avesita-cittah—the brahmana who was absorbed in love for his son SB 5.9.6
bhagavat-cittah—God conscious SB 3.7.8
magna-cittah—whose consciousness is absorbed SB 7.9.43
mat-cittah—consciousness Bg 18.57
mat-cittah—his mind fixed on Me SB 3.32.43
mat-cittah—minds fully engaged in Me Bg 10.9
sa-cittah—entities with developed consciousness SB 3.29.28
sama-cittah—persons who see everyone in a spiritual identity SB 5.5.2
sama-cittah—equally disposed to all Madhya 22.82
santrasta-cittah—with a fearful heart SB 9.4.52
su-vyagra-cittah—are busily engaged. SB 10.8.30
tat-cittah—being too much attached to her SB 9.14.32
udvigna-cittah—being very anxious SB 4.5.9
yata-cittah—with full attention Madhya 24.178