chidra—the hole Madhya 2.31, Madhya 5.132
chidra—apertures SB 3.31.3
chidra—a hole Madhya 5.127
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: chidra
chidra cahi—looking for faults Antya 8.43
chidra cahi—trying to find fault Antya 8.46
chidra pana—finding some fault Madhya 25.188
chidra-datrtvam—the accommodation of room SB 3.26.34
chidra-vat—like the sky SB 4.31.20
chidra-vat—just like the space SB 7.7.38
sei chidra—that hole Madhya 5.130
vamsi-chidra—of the holes in the flute Madhya 21.140
visala-chidra-jalena—with so many big holes in your body (in other words, full of chidra, which also means "faults") Antya 1.163