cetasah—of such wisdom Bg 4.23
cetasah—by the heart SB 1.7.24
cetasah—either by the mind SB 1.17.23
cetasah—their thoughts. SB 3.25.23
cetasah—of consciousness SB 3.26.22
cetasah—those whose minds. SB 4.2.6
cetasah—in the heart. SB 4.24.19
cetasah—his heart SB 4.27.5
cetasah—consciousness SB 4.27.12
cetasah—whose consciousness SB 4.29.39-40
cetasah—whose hearts SB 5.1.5
cetasah—their hearts SB 7.2.58
cetasah—their minds. SB 8.8.9
cetasah—the core of whose heart SB 9.8.22
cetasah—the cores of whose hearts. SB 9.8.25
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: cetasah
suddha-cetasah—of purified consciousness. SB 3.32.5
druta-cetasah—melted heart SB 1.10.13
daruna-cetasah—being very hardhearted SB 6.14.43
eka-cetasah—all being of the same opinion SB 6.5.21
grha-cetasah—who are attached to materialistic household life. SB 9.11.17
hrta-cetasah—their consciousness having been taken away SB 9.8.11
hrta-cetasah—devoid of material consciousness Madhya 24.178
kautuhala-cetasah—whose mind is very inquisitive to understand the mystery of such statements SB 5.12.3
musita-cetasah—their hearts are bewildered SB 8.12.10
mudha-cetasah—foolish persons SB 10.4.45
prasanna-cetasah—of the happy-minded Bg 2.65
pratyupalabdha-cetasah—being enlivened again by revival of their consciousness SB 8.11.1
samvrta-cetasah—those whose intelligence is covered by such illusory energy SB 10.2.28
sandigdha-cetasah—became doubtful about what could be done (because Gargamuni had predicted that this child would be equal to Narayana). SB 10.11.5
unnaddha-cetasah—whose mind is unrestrained SB 6.18.26
visuddha-cetasah—of one whose mind is purified SB 1.5.25
vimukha-cetasah—the fools and rascals who are bereft of Krsna consciousness SB 7.9.43
yukta-cetasah—with steadfast mind. Bg 7.30