cetasa—with a heart SB 3.23.22, SB 3.24.11
cetasa—with a mind SB 6.19.10, SB 6.19.16
cetasa—consciousness Bg 3.30
cetasa—by the mind and intelligence Bg 8.8
cetasa—by intelligence Bg 18.57
cetasa—all mental activities (thinking, feeling and willing) SB 1.6.16
cetasa—with the mind SB 3.24.47
cetasa—by consciousness. SB 3.32.6
cetasa—with the intelligence SB 4.3.22
cetasa—but by such a mentality SB 10.2.30
cetasa—with a fully controlled mind SB 10.3.34-35
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: cetasa
maha-purusa-cetasa—accepting as the Supreme Person SB 6.19.17
nibhrtena cetasa—with great pleasure SB 6.18.22
parisuddha-cetasa—without mental reservations SB 4.6.5
sneha-yantrita-cetasa—his mind being controlled by such affection SB 9.7.15
unmagna-cetasa—His heart being absorbed Antya 15.1