cakra—wheel SB 2.7.16, SB 4.7.20, SB 4.8.47, SB 4.24.47-48
cakra—discus SB 3.28.13
cakra—a multitude SB 4.9.20-21
cakra—the cycle SB 7.7.37
cakra—carrying His disc SB 8.3.31
cakra—with discs SB 8.10.36
cakra—cakravaka birds Adi 2.2
cakra—the wheel on the top Madhya 11.195
cakra—and disc Madhya 20.238
cakra—the wheel on the top of the temple Antya 4.51
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: cakra
cakra-adi-dharana—holding of the weapons, beginning with the disc. Madhya 20.223, Madhya 20.237
alata-cakra-praya—exactly like a wheel of fire Madhya 20.393
sankha-cakra-gada-dharah—bearing the transcendental weapons: the conchshell, disc and club. SB 6.9.28
sankha-cakra-gada-dharah—bearing the conchshell, disc, club and lotus flower. SB 8.17.4
sankha-cakra-gada-dhara—and holding the weapons of Visnu (conchshell, disc and club) SB 10.4.10-11
sankha-cakra-gada-padma—of the conchshell, disc, club and lotus SB 10.3.30
sankha-cakra-gada-rajiva-pana-yah—holding conchshell, disc, club and lotus flower in Their hands SB 10.13.47-48
cakra-aksa—the two wheels and the axle SB 10.7.7
cakra-anila—whirlwind SB 3.14.25
cakra-apadesat—from that weapon named the Sudarsana cakra. SB 5.24.14
cakra-bhrami—making a circular movement like a wheel Madhya 13.82
cakra-danda-adi—the wheel, the rod, and so on Adi 5.64
cakra-hastam—disc in hand Bg 11.46
cakra-kara—the disc in the hand. Madhya 20.224
cakra-kutah—which deceives the living entity into the wheel. SB 5.11.6
cakra-nadi—the Cakra-nadi River (generally known as the Gandaki) SB 5.7.10
cakra-paneh—of Lord Visnu, who has a disc in His hand SB 7.5.14
cakra-sthah—in the orbit SB 3.11.13
cakra-tapitah—being very much harassed by the Sudarsana cakra SB 9.5.1
cakra-vatena—by the demon in the shape of a whirlwind (Trnavarta) SB 10.11.25
cakra-adi—the disc Adi 6.38
cakra-adi—of the disc and other weapons Madhya 20.195
cakra-adi—of weapons, beginning with the disc Madhya 20.221
cakra-adi—beginning with the disc Madhya 20.222
cakra-adi-dharana—stamping the body with different names and symbols of the Lord. Madhya 24.332
cakra-adika—the wheel, etc. Adi 2.29
cakra-ayudham—bearing the disc weapon SB 4.16.21
jyotih-cakra—of the zodiac Madhya 20.386
krsna-cakra—by the disc weapon of Krsna SB 7.1.46
kala-cakra-gatah—positioned in the wheel of time SB 5.22.5
kala-cakra-nija-ayudham—whose personal weapon is the disc of time SB 5.14.29
lila-cakra—the cycle of Krsna's pastimes Madhya 20.393
para-cakra—of the enemies� military strength SB 9.15.31
pavana-cakra—by a whirlwind SB 10.7.24
samsara-cakra—of the cycle of birth and death SB 7.9.16
taila-yantra-cakra-vat—like the wheel of an oil-pressing machine SB 5.21.13
visnu-cakra-upatapitah—being scorched by the blazing fire of Lord Visnu�s disc SB 9.4.55