Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: brahmanya
brahmanya-deva—O Lord of brahminical culture Madhya 5.88
brahmanya-deva—the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is merciful to the brahmanas Madhya 5.159
brahmanya-devasya—of the worshipable Lord of the brahmanas SB 4.21.49
brahmanya-devasya—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by all brahmanas SB 7.10.42
brahmanya-devah—the Lord of the brahminical culture SB-4.21.38
brahmanya-devah—the Supreme Lord of brahminical culture Madhya 5.1
brahmanya-devaya—who is worshiped by the most qualified brahmanas SB 5.19.3
brahmanya-devaya—unto the Lord of the transcendentalists SB 8.17.25
brahmanya-devaya—unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who accepts the brahmanas as His worshipable deity SB 9.11.7
brahmanya-devaya—to the Lord worshipable by persons in brahminical culture Madhya 13.77