bhuyat—may be SB 3.23.10, SB 6.13.19-20
bhuyat—may there be. SB 6.11.27, SB 6.18.26
bhuyat—let it be fulfilled SB 3.22.16
bhuyat—may it become SB 4.9.11
bhuyat—there must be SB 4.29.1b
bhuyat—may she become SB 4.30.16
bhuyat—there may be SB 5.3.17
bhuyat—may there be all good fortune. SB 5.18.18
bhuyat—it may be SB 7.7.17
bhuyat—let Him become SB 8.24.48
bhuyat—may so become SB 9.4.39-40
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: bhuyat