bhuvane—within this material world. Madhya 8.97
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: bhuvane
tri-bhuvane—within the three worlds Madhya 1.199, Madhya 4.134, Madhya 16.121
tri-bhuvane—the three worlds. Madhya 18.123, Madhya 21.140
caudda bhuvane—the fourteen worlds Antya 15.68
caudda-bhuvane—within the fourteen worlds Adi 5.222
caudda-bhuvane—in those fourteen planetary systems Madhya 1.267
caudda-bhuvane—throughout the fourteen worlds Antya 19.92
e-tina bhuvane—within these three worlds. Antya 6.104
tri-bhuvane—all over the three worlds. Adi 7.28
tri-bhuvane—throughout the three worlds Madhya 21.139