bhoga—offering Adi 17.82, Madhya 4.204, Antya 3.33, Antya 6.112
bhoga—food Madhya 4.88, Madhya 4.118, Madhya 12.220, Madhya 13.199
bhoga—enjoyment SB 4.28.53, Adi 3.97, Madhya 24.28
bhoga—sense enjoyment Bg 2.42-43, Bg 16.11-12
bhoga—the food Madhya 4.121, Madhya 15.232
bhoga—like the bodies Madhya 8.224, Madhya 9.123
bhoga—offerings Antya 2.60, Antya 2.71
bhoga—material enjoyment Bg 2.44
bhoga—with hoods SB 3.20.48
bhoga—cooked food Madhya 3.42
bhoga—the eatables Madhya 3.43
bhoga—suffering Madhya 15.163
bhoga—food. Madhya 15.228
bhoga—offerings of food Antya 2.60
bhoga—offering to the Deity Antya 3.36
bhoga—enjoyment SB 3.27.24
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: bhoga
ahi-bhoga-utthitam—issuing from the serpent’s body, which was meant for material enjoyment SB 10.12.33
bhauma-bhoga-adhyam—full of sense enjoyments SB 4.28.2
bhoga kare—enjoys sense gratification Antya 9.89
bhoga lage—there were offerings of food Madhya 12.218
bhoga lage—food is offered Madhya 13.196
bhoga lagaila—offered for eating. Madhya 15.85
bhoga lagaila—I have offered food to the Deity Antya 6.73
bhoga lagaite—to offer bhoga Madhya 15.79
bhoga lagaya—offers food to the Deity Antya 6.112
bhoga parihari—giving up all kinds of material enjoyment. Madhya 19.128
bhoga sarile—when the food was taken away Antya 16.89
bhoga siddha—the food has been prepared Madhya 15.233
bhoga-aisvaryam—the material opulence SB 5.24.22
bhoga-bhogi—one who wants to enjoy this material world. Antya 9.75
bhoga-mandape—in the room for offering food Madhya 12.210
bhoga-mandira—the place where food is placed Madhya 12.87
bhoga-mandira—the place where food is offered Madhya 12.119
bhoga-seva—offering of food Madhya 15.204
bhoga-samagri—cooking materials Adi 10.25
bhoga-samagri—ingredients for eatables to be offered Madhya 4.58
bhoga-samagri—ingredients for preparing food Antya 2.74
bhoga-tyaga—acceptance and rejection of something Madhya 22.116
sesa-bhoga—body of Sesa-naga SB 3.8.23
chatra-bhoga—the place named Chatrabhoga Antya 6.185
dui bhoga-alaya—two rooms for offering food Madhya 15.204
gopala-vallabha-bhoga—the food offered early in the morning Antya 16.88
khao tanra bhoga—You may eat His offering Antya 2.64
koti bhoga—millions of dishes Madhya 13.196
ku-visaya-bhoga—enjoyment of sinful material life Madhya 20.93
kundala-bhoga-sannivesasya—whose body appears like a coil SB 5.23.5
krsnera bhoga—the food offered to Krsna Madhya 3.42
krsnera bhoga laganacha—you have offered to Krsna Madhya 15.227
kama-bhoga—enjoyment of sense gratification SB 5.24.8
nrsimhera bhoga—the offering of Nrsimhadeva Antya 2.64
prema-sukha-bhoga—enjoyment of the happiness of love of God Madhya 20.142
rajya-bhoga—enjoyment of the kingdom Madhya 12.20
sei bhoga—that wonderful food Madhya 4.119
snana-bhoga—bathing and offering food Madhya 14.62
sukha-bhoga—the enjoyment of Vaikuntha Madhya 9.113
sukha-bhoga—enjoyment of happiness Madhya 20.140
sukha-bhoga—real enjoyment of happiness Madhya 20.140
tina bhoga—three divisions of bhoga Madhya 3.66
tina bhoga—the three separate offerings Antya 2.62
upala-bhoga—offering of food on the stone Madhya 1.64
upala-bhoga—the offering of food to Lord Jagannatha at noon Antya 1.47
upala-bhoga—the upala-bhoga offering to Lord Jagannatha Antya 4.16
upala-bhoga—the upala-bhoga ceremony Antya 15.10
upala-bhoga—the next offering of food Antya 16.101
upala-bhoga lagile—when there is an offering of food known as upala-bhoga Madhya 15.6
uttama bhoga—first-class foods Madhya 4.114
uttama-bhoga—firstclass food Madhya 13.197
visaya bhoga—material enjoyment Antya 8.66
visaya-bhoga—attraction for material things Madhya 20.90-91
visaya-bhoga—material enjoyment Antya 14.47
yogya bhoga—just suitable for the eating Antya 10.14