bhavera—of emotion Adi 4.68, Madhya 13.171, Madhya 23.6
bhavera—of ecstatic emotion Madhya 2.60, Madhya 25.253, Antya 14.11
bhavera—of ecstasies Madhya 2.63, Madhya 14.170, Antya 5.23
bhavera—of the ecstasy Adi 17.292, Madhya 22.161
bhavera—to the ecstatic mood Madhya 3.121, Madhya 3.128
bhavera—of the sentiments Adi 3.11
bhavera—of the mood Adi 4.48
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: bhavera
bhavera svabhava—the characteristic of emotional love Antya 1.147
bhavera tarange—in the waves of ecstatic love Antya 17.39
bhavera vaibhava—devotional opulences. Adi 6.104
bhavera varnana—description of ecstatic emotions Antya 14.11
bhavera avese—because of ecstatic emotion Madhya 13.165
gopi-bhavera—of the emotion of the gopis Adi 4.185
gopika-bhavera—of the ecstasy of the gopis Adi 17.278
kanta-bhavera—of the condition of the female Madhya 14.191
nana-bhavera—of different emotional ecstasies Madhya 25.244
nana-bhavera bhakta-jana—devotees relishing relationships with Krsna in different ecstasies Madhya 25.274
radha-bhavera—of the ecstasy of Srimati Radharani Antya 17.57
sattvika-vyabhicari-bhavera—of sattvika and vyabhicari with sthayibhava Madhya 19.181