bhavena—with devotion SB 3.15.6, SB 3.27.6
bhavena—by Lord Siva SB 4.7.1
bhavena—with Lord Siva SB 8.23.20-21
bhavena—by transcendental love SB 2.7.19
bhavena—the matter of creation and destruction SB 2.10.44
bhavena—features SB 2.10.44
bhavena—in feeling SB 4.7.12
bhavena—in the topmost stage of ecstasy SB 4.8.61
bhavena—with meditation SB 4.11.11
bhavena—by the symptoms of love SB 5.5.35
bhavena—with the intention SB 6.18.27-28
bhavena—thinks Madhya 1.78
bhavena—think Antya 15.42
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: bhavena
ananya-bhavena—without deviation from the thought SB 3.5.19
ananya-bhavena—with equal vision SB 3.28.42
ananya-bhavena—with devotion SB 6.18.35
ananyena bhavena—with undeviated mind SB 3.25.22
anartha-antara-bhavena—Himself in the status of Visnu SB 5.6.6
bhakti-bhavena—by devotional service SB 3.24.45
brahma-bhavena—knowing that I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 10.3.45
suddha-bhavena—pure SB 3.28.19
suddha-bhavena—by the good behavior SB 6.18.77
suddha-bhavena—in a pure state of mind SB 8.16.59
idrk-bhavena—in such a way SB 6.18.36
eka-bhavena—by one birth SB 4.9.30
eka-bhavena—accepting as qualitatively one SB 4.31.18
ekanta-bhakti-bhavena—because of his performing unalloyed devotional service SB 9.4.28
hari-bhavena—mentally accepting him as equal to Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 7.11.29
mugdha-bhavena—by the childish behavior of the deer SB 5.8.13
mugdha-bhavena—as if without knowledge SB 9.3.4
naiskarmya-bhavena—because of the stage of spiritual understanding SB 8.3.16
parama-bhakti-bhavena—in greatly ecstatic loving service to the Lord SB 5.19.10
putra-bhavena—as your son SB 10.3.45
sarva-bhuta-atma-bhavena—by a merciful attitude toward all living entities SB 9.5.11
sarva-bhavena—with loving ecstasy SB 3.32.22
sarva-bhavena—in all respects, in different modes of devotional service SB 7.9.54
sva-bhavena—by the natural tendency SB 6.1.54
tat-gata-antara-bhavena—his mind saturated with devotional service SB 9.4.31-32
vaira-bhavena—by conceiving as an enemy SB 7.10.35
visuddha-bhavena—with a pure, uncontaminated mind SB 5.3.2
atma-bhavena—by thinking of them as one SB 4.12.5
atma-bhavena—as the Supersoul SB 9.9.29