bhare—filled up Adi 17.83
bhare—by the weight Madhya 5.150
bhare—covered Madhya 15.21
bhare—because of the weight Madhya 19.81
bhare—collects. Antya 3.191
bhare—filled Antya 10.36
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: bhare
jagannathera bhare—by the weight of Lord Jagannatha Madhya 14.247
jala bhare—draw water Madhya 12.107
jala bhare—draws the water. Madhya 12.107
jala bhare—they were drawing water Madhya 12.111
puspa-phala-bhare—because of the heavy burden of flowers and fruits Antya 15.49
udara bhare—fills the belly Antya 8.66