bala—bodily strength SB 7.4.13, SB 7.8.8, SB 7.9.9
bala—the strength Adi 4.157, Antya 15.21
bala—speak Madhya 1.276, Madhya 18.204
bala—say Madhya 7.97, Madhya 9.361
bala—force Bg 17.5-6
bala—Baladeva, the elder brother of Krsna SB 2.7.34-35
bala—by bodily strength SB 5.17.12
bala—and strength SB 6.13.16
bala—and sufficient bodily strength SB 7.3.23
bala—and bodily strength SB 7.8.50
bala—the physical strength SB 8.2.30
bala—by the strength SB 9.10.17
bala—all of you chant Adi 7.159
bala—strength. Adi 10.75
bala—chant Adi 12.25
bala—you say. Madhya 16.141
bala—please say Madhya 25.176
bala—boys SB 1.8.49
bala—while a child SB 2.3.15
bala—children Madhya 18.121-122
bala—the woman SB 4.8.16
bala—the lady SB 4.8.17
bala—the innocent woman SB 4.28.49
bala—that young daughter SB 9.3.4
bala—innocent woman SB 10.1.45
bala—bangles Adi 3.46
bala—this young girl (Radhika). Madhya 23.33
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: bala
bala bala—go on reciting Madhya 14.9, Madhya 14.9
bala-vat—like a boy. SB 6.15.6, SB 7.13.10
krsna bala—say Krsna Madhya 17.205, Madhya 17.205
bala hari hari—chant Hari, Hari. Madhya 19.42
bala-bhadrah—Balabhadra SB 5.20.26
bala-bhit—the slayer of the demon Bala SB 6.12.32
bala-saline—unto the most powerful, the supreme powerful SB 9.3.36
bala-indriyah—whose strength and power of the senses SB 6.17.2-3
bala-pakayoh—of the two demons known as Bala and Paka SB 8.11.28
bala-ucchrayat—because of extensive bodily strength. SB 10.2.13
bala-udayam—manifested by the strength of. SB 3.6.35
bala-upetah—very powerful persons SB 8.11.35
bala-virya-drptah—puffed up by bodily strength and his ability to conquer anyone SB 7.8.46
bala-viryam—strength and energy SB 8.7.11
bala-viryayoh—of the strength and power SB 4.6.7
bala-adhikyat—because of extraordinary strength SB 10.8.12
bhakti-bala—the strength of devotion Madhya 1.245
bhota-kam-bala—woolen blanket Madhya 20.44
bhagya-bala—strength of fortune Antya 16.145
buddhi-bala-udayam—intelligence and bodily strength are present SB 10.1.48
bala-agra—the tip of a hair Madhya 19.141
bala-bhasitam—childish talk from the assembled children SB 10.7.10
bala-cestitaih—by His activities like those of a child trying to do so many things. SB 10.11.9
bala-cestitaih—by the activities and pastimes of childhood SB 10.11.37
bala-cancalya kare—sport like children Madhya 14.84
bala-dhvanim—the crying of the newborn child SB 10.4.1
bala-gaja-lilah—acting like a baby elephant in a forest of sugarcane SB 9.10.6-7
bala-ghnyah—the killers of the child SB 6.16.14
bala-ghnyah—who was determined to kill small children SB 10.11.24
bala-ghatini—a Raksasi who killed SB 10.6.2
bala-gopala—Lord Krsna as a child Adi 14.9
bala-gopala—the Deity Bala-gopala Madhya 15.59
bala-gopala-mantre—with the mantra of Bala-gopala, child Krsna Antya 7.148
bala-grahah—the witch, whose business was to kill small babies SB 10.6.7
bala-grahah ca—and those attacking children SB 10.6.27-29
bala-hatya—infanticide SB 1.7.56
bala-hatya—because of killing the child SB 6.16.14
bala-hatya-vratam—the atonement fur killing the child SB 6.16.14
bala-hitam—the welfare of one�s child SB 4.20.31
bala-lilaya—childhood. SB 3.2.2
bala-praja—having young children SB 1.9.13
bala-simha—lion cub SB 3.2.28
bala-vat—like a child SB 3.18.24
bala-vat—exactly like a human child SB 10.11.7
bala-vyajana-chatra-agryaih—protected by beautifully decorated umbrellas and the best of camaras SB 8.10.16-18
daya-bala—power of mercy. Madhya 1.202
kuru-bala-abdhim—the ocean of the military strength of the Kurus SB 1.15.14
krpa-maha-bala—how greatly powerful is the mercy Madhya 14.16
loka-bala-ghni—who used to kill human children SB 10.6.35-36
maha-bala—of great strength. Madhya 13.88
maha-bala—very powerful. Antya 16.60
mora bala—my strength. Madhya 23.123
madhuri-bala—strength of sweetness Madhya 2.62
nija-bala—Your own strength Madhya 1.200
parama pra-bala—very powerful Madhya 13.155
sarva bala—all potencies Madhya 15.168
sva-bala-nastim—the destruction of his own soldiers SB 9.10.21
tapah-yoga-bala—by austerity, mystic power and strength SB 7.10.27
tat-bala-caritani—in which the activities of her own child were enacted SB 10.9.1-2
uru-bala-anvitah—extremely powerful SB 3.5.34
vidhi-bala—the strength of providence Madhya 2.30
vipra-bala-udarkah—flourishing because of the brahminical power invested in him SB 8.15.31
yajna-bhuk bala-kelih—although He accepts offerings in yajna, for the sake of childhood pastimes He was enjoying foodstuffs very jubilantly with His cowherd boyfriends. SB 10.13.11
yara yata bala—with whatever strength they had Madhya 14.51
a-bala—from the children. Madhya 7.81
a-bala-vrddha—beginning from the children up to the old persons Madhya 4.83