ayuh—the duration of life SB 7.3.31, SB 7.9.23, SB 8.5.34, SB 10.4.46
ayuh—span of life SB 3.21.18, SB 4.29.54, SB 4.31.9
ayuh—long duration of life SB 5.20.6, SB 7.9.24
ayuh—Ayu SB 9.24.6-8
ayuh—duration of life or fruitive activities SB 1.15.15
ayuh—of longevity SB 3.19.38
ayuh—up to the end of life SB-4.21.43
ayuh—Ayus SB 6.6.12
ayuh—longevity SB 6.12.13
ayuh—Ayu SB 9.15.1
ayuh—his name was Ayu SB 9.17.1-3
ayuh—and the duration of life. SB 10.2.21
ayuh—life Madhya 23.23
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: ayuh
agha-ayuh—whose life was full of sinful activities SB 6.1.67
cira-ayuh—has a long duration of life SB 8.8.22
nija-ayuh—his lifetime SB 7.6.14
para-ayuh—that personality who lives for millions and millions of years (Lord Brahma) SB 8.12.10
ayuh ca—and the duration of life SB 9.10.32
ayuh-sesa—the end of life Madhya 2.89
ayuh-kamah—desirous of long life SB 2.3.2-7
ayuh-varsanam—of those whose years of life SB 5.17.12
ayuh-veda-drk—fully conversant in the medical science SB 8.8.34
ayuh-veda-pravartakah—the inaugurator of medical science, Ayur Veda SB 9.17.4
ayuh-vedam—medical science SB 3.12.38
ayuh-vyayah—waste of the duration of life SB 7.6.4