avyayah—imperishable SB 6.10.9, SB 6.16.9, SB 10.10.30-31
avyayah—without deteriorating SB 7.6.20-23, SB 8.19.30
avyayah—immutable SB 3.22.4
avyayah—not liable to change SB 3.29.45
avyayah—without decrease SB 4.11.19
avyayah—indestructible SB 6.4.8
avyayah—remaining as He is (not having lost His own existence because of having created so many material manifestations) SB 7.2.39
avyayah—with no possibility of dwindling SB 7.7.19-20
avyayah—never vanquishable SB 10.12.30
Can't find any compound Sanskrit words containing avyayah.