avese—in ecstatic love Madhya 15.29, Madhya 17.28
avese—in the attachment Adi 4.113
avese—in absorption. Adi 5.191
avese—in an ecstatic condition Adi 17.35
avese—in a condition Madhya 3.5
avese—entrance. Antya 2.13
avese—by empowering Antya 2.15
avese—in that state of possession Antya 2.27
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: avese
prema-avese—in the ecstasy of love Madhya 3.12, Madhya 3.38, Madhya 4.45, Madhya 4.155, Madhya 9.81, Madhya 10.120
bhava-avese—in ecstatic emotion Antya 17.10, Antya 17.11, Antya 18.6, Antya 19.59
prema-avese—in great ecstasy Madhya 10.80, Madhya 10.96, Madhya 10.96, Madhya 18.68
bhava-avese—in ecstasy Adi 17.18, Madhya 13.133, Antya 15.31
bhava-avese—in ecstatic love Madhya 17.203, Madhya 21.111, Antya 16.150
prema-avese—in ecstatic love of Krsna Antya 15.29, Antya 15.77, Antya 15.85
krodha-avese—in the mood of anger Adi 17.67, Antya 17.39
parama-avese—in great ecstasy Madhya 14.99, Madhya 15.31
prema-avese—in loving ecstasy Madhya 4.144, Madhya 11.187
prema-avese—in the ecstasy of love of God Madhya 5.6, Madhya 6.207
prema-avese—in the ecstasy of love of Godhead Madhya 7.5, Madhya 7.114
prema-avese—in the great ecstasy of love of Godhead Madhya 7.77, Madhya 7.116
prema-avese—in great ecstatic love Madhya 8.9, Antya 11.60
prema-avese—absorbed in ecstatic love Madhya 21.111, Antya 5.57
bhava-avese—on account of absorption in ecstasy Madhya 2.64
bhava-avese—in an ecstatic condition Madhya 2.66
bhava-avese—by ecstatic love Antya 13.4
bhava-avese—in great ecstasy Antya 17.29
bhava-avese—ecstatic love Antya 20.67-68
bhavera avese—because of ecstatic emotion Madhya 13.165
caitanya-avese—being possessed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Antya 2.24-25
darsana-avese—by being fully absorbed in the vision Antya 14.32
hanuman-avese—in the emotion of being Hanuman Madhya 15.33
kirtana-avese—in the ecstasy of kirtana Madhya 1.126
krodha-avese—out of intense anger Adi 17.50
krodha-avese—in great anger Madhya 15.34
krsna-bhava-avese—being merged in ecstatic love for Krsna. Antya 15.4
krsna-sakti-abhasa-avese—by the reflection of His power. Madhya 20.374
krsna-prema-avese—in ecstatic emotional love of Krsna Antya 19.3
krsna-avese—in ecstatic love of Krsna Madhya 17.223
lila-avese—in the ecstasy of transcendental pastimes Madhya 13.65
maha-prema-avese—in great ecstatic love Madhya 17.56
nityananda-avese—in the ecstasy of becoming Nityananda Adi 17.16
nrsimha-avese—in the ecstatic mood of Lord Nrsimha Adi 17.92
nrtya-avese—fully absorbed in seeing the dancing of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Madhya 13.94
parama-avese—in great ecstatic love Antya 10.69
prabhura avese—because of the ecstatic emotions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Antya 11.60
prema-avese—in intense love for Krsna Madhya 3.4
prema-avese—absorbed in love of God Madhya 5.145
prema-avese—in an ecstatic condition Madhya 5.149
prema-avese—in ecstatic love of God Madhya 7.38
prema-avese—in ecstatic love of Godhead Madhya 8.234
prema-avese—in great happiness Madhya 9.87
prema-avese—in the great ecstasy of love Madhya 9.283
prema-avese—in great ecstasy of love Madhya 19.99
prema-avese—in ecstatic emotional love Antya 3.72
prema-avese—out of ecstatic emotion Antya 18.65
prema-avese—in greatly ecstatic emotion Antya 19.57
prema-avese kahe—was speaking something in ecstatic love Antya 2.72
premera avese—in the ecstatic emotion of love Madhya 14.4
rasa-antara-avese—in the ecstatic love of different mellows Antya 20.38
rasa-avese—in absorption in ecstatic love Madhya 14.230
rasa-avese—in ecstatic mellows Madhya 14.231
radha-bhava-avese—in the ecstatic emotion of Srimati Radharani Antya 19.31
radha-prema-avese—in ecstatic love of Srimati Radharani Madhya 14.235
svapna-avese—when absorbed in dreams Antya 14.38
ananda-avese—in great ecstasy Madhya 9.94
avese sunila—heard with great ecstasy Madhya 14.230