astu—let it be Bg 3.10, SB 1.19.2, SB 1.19.16, SB 2.9.32, SB 3.21.20, SB 3.23.54, SB 4.6.53, SB 4.20.32, SB 6.14.55, Madhya 22.133 (and more...)
astu—may there be SB 6.16.48, SB 6.19.4, SB 6.19.6
astu—are SB 2.4.14, SB 2.5.1
astu—she must be SB 10.13.37, Adi 5.140
astu—be there Bg 2.47
astu—are being Bg 11.39
astu—let it be so SB 3.9.39
astu—let SB 4.2.23
astu—may be. SB 5.2.8
astu—to be sure SB 5.6.18
astu—He becomes SB 8.20.11
astu—may He remain SB 10.6.22-23
astu—when Brahma agreed, “Yes, it is all right” SB 10.8.50
astu—let all of them be engaged in this way SB 10.10.38
astu—there is Adi 8.19
astu—can be Madhya 18.12
astu—let him remain favorable SB 5.20.12
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: astu
matih astu—let there be attraction Madhya 6.48
namah astu—obeisances Bg 11.31
namah astu—offer my respects Bg 11.40
namah astu te—I offer my respectful obeisances unto You SB 8.17.25
namah astu te—I offer My respects unto You Madhya 15.11
ratih astu—may attraction be reposed upon Him SB 1.9.33
ratih astu—let my attraction be SB 1.9.39